When You Call Somebody a Snowflake

You say it like that's a bad thing.

Shannon Ashley
3 min readNov 29, 2018

We hear it on social media all the time. Stupid snowflake. Maybe you've typed it out yourself. Snowflake has become a standard insult to shut down another person's ideas. Calling someone a snowflake isn't an effective method of debate--it is after all, literally name-calling. That thing we all learn in kindergarten that's unacceptable... yet adults still manage to put into action like it's no big deal.

Any time one adult calls another person a snowflake, we all know what it means. Whatever the dubbed snowflake says going forward, you're only going to think their ideas are worthless.

They're just a snowflake. Don't pay attention to them. Snowflakes are narcissists. Easily offended. Snowflakes can't take the heat.

But that's just something you say to shut another person down. It doesn't mean it's right or true.

For one thing, let's not pretend that anyone willing to shut down a debate with name-calling cares about free speech. Shutting a person down with insults is about anything but freedom.

For another thing, I just don't believe that snowflake is the terrible put down its users think it is. The use of snowflake as an insult comes from the myth of an entitled generation that only cares about itself…



Shannon Ashley

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