Why Should A Hetero Orgasm Be All About The P In V?

My favorite sex move gets way too much flack.

Shannon Ashley
5 min readMar 22, 2019

According to OkCupid, I am more “sexperienced” than my fellow singles on the site. Okay, so I definitely don’t believe that’s true, but I suspect they rank me as more experienced simply because I admit to having had a threesome and I’m pretty open to trying new things.

Except more anal. Dudes, I think I’m pretty much done trying that.

At any rate, it’s taken me a very long time to become more comfortable with my sexuality. I’ve had to consciously and deliberately unlearn a whole lot of mixed messages about sex being dirty, evil, or wrong.

As a result of of my rigid upbringing and faulty sexual education, sexual freedom is pretty damn important to me.

Even if that means me being all “awkward and aspie” during sex.

Or before sex.

And after sex.

Seriously, people. I’m so awkward. And definitely not someone I would consider to be a “sexpert.”

That said, there clearly aren’t enough conversations about the awkwardness of sex for exvangelicals. So perhaps you can consider me an expert in awkward conversations about sex.



Shannon Ashley

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 https://ko-fi.com/shannonashley 📧 truthurts.substack.com