You're Worth More Than You Think

Give yourself a chance to discover what you can do.

Shannon Ashley
4 min readOct 11, 2018
Photo by jennykatarasi on Reshot

Somewhere out there, someone is crying for the tenth time time today because their loved one let them down in a big way. Again.

Someone is tapping concealer around their eye, wincing at the pain, and repeating silent excuses for the partner who hits them.

Somebody else is sitting listfully at work trying to remember who they were before their relationship began to take over every piece of their existence.

Another person spends their entire day feeling stuck in a life they never wanted, but they’re too afraid to tell their family the truth.

And of course, someone else has spent their day unraveling bit by bit as they attempt to let out every silent scream.

Humans are so great at settling for toxic situations for a million different reasons, and whatever we think are good reasons.

We love them.

We think they can change.

We think we could fix them.

Or it isn’t that bad.

We’re just overreacting.

And we don’t want to rock the boat.

This is all we know.



Shannon Ashley

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧