Will Shillibier
3 min readJan 16, 2018

In an attempt to try and remember more about the endless series of poker tournaments that I work, I am going to write a review for each poker-related trip I make in 2018. The review will feature a key hand, memory and player.

First up — the WPT European Championship Festival in Berlin.

Presenting outside of the Spielbank Casino in Berlin (Drew Amato)


WPT European Championship €3,300 Main Event — Day 4
Blinds: 12,000/24,000 Ante: 4,000

Seat 1: Han Kuo — 2,350,000 (BTN)
Seat 2: Patrice Brandt — 750,000 (SB)
Seat 3: Amjad Nader — 1,300,000 (BB)
Seat 4: Sirzat Hissou — 1,000,000 (UTG)
Seat 5: Marius Pertea — 320,000 (+1)
Seat 6: Ole Schemion — 2,050,000 (MP)
Seat 7: Maxi Lehmanski — 450,000 (MP)
Seat 8: Michal Mrakes — 1,225,000 (HJ)
Seat 9: Michael Behnert — 875,000 (CO)

Death by Quads for Sirzat Hissou (Drew Amato)

Sirzat Hissou raised to 55,000. Michal Mrakes and Amjad Nader both called.

The flop was 9d 3d 3h.

Nader and Hissou checked to Mrakes who bet 90,000. Nader folded and Hissou check-raised to 255,000. Mrakes called.

The turn was the Qh.

Hissou checked. Mrakes bet 175,000 and Hissou called.

The river was the 2s.

Hissou checked. Mrakes moved all in. Hissou called.

Michal Mrakes: 3c 3s — Quad threes
Sirzat Hissou: Ad Ac — Two pair; Aces and Threes

The average stack at this point in the tournament was nearing 50 big blinds so it was surprising to see such a big pot develop, especially with much shorter stacks at the table. I may be a journalist but I’m a poker fan at heart, and the brutality of this hand really left my mouth agape in a “Did that just really happen?!” moment.


During the €1,500 WPTDeepStacks in Berlin I was lucky enough to have another chance to present some videos for the WPT. It was a lot of fun, and I’m lucky to work with an amazing videographer in Alessio Libralon.

However, it was during the €3,300 WPT European Championship Main Event that Claudio Celenza, a final tablist in the WPTDS the week before, approached me and paid me a series of compliments about my presenting style.

“Nobody knew who I was until I put on the mask” — Claudio Celenza at the WPTDeepStacks final table (Drew Amato)

I thanked him and he went back to the tournament but it really resonated with me. I’m by no means an out-and-out showman, but I really do enjoy presenting. I was brought up in poker watching Remko Rinkema for PokerNews, and male presenters are becoming a rarity. I’d certainly love to do more in the future so watch this space.


This is a tricky one because there were a lot of standout players during my trip. Kunal Patni finished runner-up in the WPTDeepStacks, cashed the Main Event and made another deep run in the PokerFloor Cup. Dutchies Teunis Kooij and Sander van Wesemael kept me entertained throughout — I hope they enjoyed the player’s party.

Ole Schemion — WPT European Championship Winner (Drew Amato)

But it had to be Ole Schemion. Back in August 2014 I went to EPT Barcelona for my very first taste of a big tournament atmosphere. While I was there I asked Schemion for a selfie. He obliged. Here I was three and a half years later covering him going deep in a WPT Main Event.

And he could easily have featured in the Hand segment above. Some of the calls he made were not only mind-blowingly correct (i.e. he was ahead), but more importantly they held up, and he can now add a WPT title to his already incredible poker resume.

The Magic of the Cup (Drew Amato)
Will Shillibier

Probably writing about something other than poker, but I can’t promise anything…