3 min readAug 12, 2018

RED PULSE ($RPX) — Market Intelligence on China Capital Markets

Essentially, Red Pulse will be filter through data to find the most relevant news, and in end, spit out a forecast in the form of investment recommendations with the use of industry experts. I believe a strong attribute of RPX is the ability to filter out noise, such as: propaganda, fake news, and rumors. Speaking crypto terms, they’ll distinguish between what is FUD, shill, and real news. This alone, would be the goal of a small scale project, but RPX is aiming for the stars and this is only a small part in what they’re going to accomplish.

Per the White Paper, Q2 was when they integrated Financial Advisors, Money Managers, etc. to their mobile platform. I’d like to see who these experts are, similar to how they highlight the RPX team and Advisors, as I believe these people are equally as important to the success of this project. However, seeing the people leading RPX team, I don’t doubt that these participants will be less than the best. With 2 CFA designations on the team, I’m sure they’re more than capable of analysing the data on their own in the short term. However, scalability is something I’d be interested in watching them overcome; whether they can bring on more quality analysts.


Aggregation — Automated and manual collection of China market news and company specific developments. From hundreds of Chinese language websites, financial statements, and proprietary databases.

Curation — China research analysts cull irrelevant information, moderate biased viewpoints, and highlight key market, sector, and company-specific developments that can lead to actionable decisions.

Analysis — Selected market information is methodically assessed for relevancy, and further research and analysis is conducted to explain ultimate impact on markets, sectors, companies, and end investors.

Production — Analysts and content editors fine-tune the analysis and produce polished output in the form of detailed yet concise chunks of insight, ready to be digested by customers for planning and investment decision making.

What I look forward to seeing from RPX are:

Fully working platform with a respectable track record.

AI based intelligence system

Crowd sourced hedge fund (Proposed in 2020–2025)





Groundbreaking research content platform that simplifies incentives and directly compensates research producers for their valuable insights, while ensuring research consumers can access the research that is most relevant to them.

Team: In my opinion, Hongfei Da (Advisor on RPX), Founder of NEO and CEO of OnChain, has proven to be one of the most successful people in Crypto tech. When I see his name, whether on a team or as an Advisor, I automatically assume the project is legit. Hongei has a proven track record of creating top tier projects, and everything he touches turns to gold (or Bitcoin in this sense). In regards to the team, Jonathan Ha (CEO & Founder) has a MBA from UC Berkeley, with experience working in the financial space as a Director at Z-Ben while acquiring a CFA (Certified Financial Analyst) designation, one of the hardest to obtain in the finance industry. Co-Founder, Stanley Chao, CFA, CAIA, also has experience as a Quant Trader at Racing Capital. The team is very professional and past experiences can be seen through their Linkedin accounts, which is the transparency I look for when investing in a project.

Location: China

Main Exchange: Binance

Current Price: $0.040953 USD

Market Cap: $33,086,844 USD or 4,904 BTC


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