Еще один скам Godfrey! Kepler Technologies собрали 14 миллионов баксов и готовятся к экситу

ShitCoin Offering [RU]
7 min readApr 1, 2019


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Читатель нашел нам новых Бонни и Клайда, которые кинули на деньги инвесторов и теперь планируют наебать министерство финансов Грузии.

Всем привет! Что-то давно мы не говорили про эдвайзеров и их роль в продвижении того или иного скама. Новые да модные IEO c STO предпочитают персонажей с чистой репутацией. А, значит, Дэвиды Дрейки и Джейсоны Ханги остаются полировать бронзу на титанике ICO. Искренне надеемся, что к ним в компанию добавится Рубен Годфри. Мы писали про него. Он реагировал, забегал к нам в чатик, обзывал лузерами и сбегал.

Теперь этот авантюрист вляпался в настоящий эксит скам — Kepler Technologies. Сайт у них уже не работает.

Хотя начиналось все ой как помпезно. Громкая вывеска “искусственный интеллект и роботостроение” заставляло вспомнить о Скайнете, терминаторах, а рука так и тянулась за кошельком. Гляньте только на это видео:

Заявления у ребят и правда были громкие. Вы только посмотрите. Да это ж, мать его, социализм на планете Айзека Азимова и Стивена Кинга.

“The main goal of Kepler’s management, besides the production of valuable Robotics and Asolutions, is the creation of a decentralized wealth distribution system through the technological breakthrough that will shape the future of humanity, robotics. Imagine if the creators of the internet had decided to share its wealth creation mechanism with the world instead of leaving it in the hands of corporate organizations who are only concentrated on accumulating personal wealth. Imagine if the internet had been like the blockchain, decentralized and distributed, users would have been benefiting from their own data”.

На самом деле уже из этого заявления ощущался сладковатый запах разводняка. На которое команда хотела собрать 62,5 миллиона баксов.

Кстати, под командой тут имеется в виду семья Георги Топурии (Giorgi Topuria) и Мариам Шубалидзе (Mari Shubalidze). Все остальные там были наемные работники. Вот эта сладкая парочка Twix.

Они спрятали свои лица Linkedin:

Но вы все еще можете найти их в Facebook. А также в Instagram. Судя по всему, живут молодые хорошо. Гоняют по Сингапурам и Шанхаям, покупают джинсы за 500 баксов

И хвастаются автопарком.

Но мы немного отошли от темы. Собрать хардкап Kepler Technologies не удалось. Но в телеграме все говорят о 13,7 миллионах баксов. Согласитесь, тоже неплохо для начала?

Но неплохо это только для тех, кто хочет что-то делать. Грузинские скамеры, видимо, не хотели с самого начала.

С времен сейла прошел уже почти год. И ничего из обещанного в дорожной карте не было сделано.

Твиттер не ведется:

А в Телеграме сейчас поле битвы между инвесторами и командой. Но скоро чатик просто-напросто пропадет вслед за сайтом.

Итак мы перешли к самому вкусному. Наш читатель поделился инсайдами, которые доказывают, что проект — скам. Но, при этом, его основатели теперь хотят поиметь денег с министерства финансов Грузии!

Далее мы приводим весь текст, орфографию и скрины в оригинальном виде:

This information has been forwarded by Conrad who has been a platinum investor and a community manager at Keplertek.io for over a year now.(Identity has been confirmed)

At first I was taken in by their ambitious whitepaper, with mention of land and factories already in their posession, and the CEO Giorgi Topuria and his team engaging on a personal level with all the investors.

Bit things soon started to unravel after the pre-sale and all the initial selling points like land and factories turned out to be nothing but hot air.

The bearish market was blamed for the dismal performance and the rookie mistakes made by CEO and his advisor Reuben Godfrey.

The Telegram group (t.me/KeplerTechnologies) became a minefield as people started realising something was wrong. People who asked uncomfortable were simply banned and deleted, and the community dropped from 80K to 35K in a very short period.

The dire situation came to light when 3 of the team members were sanctioned by the CEO to sell their tokens to community members at 50% discount, at a time when the tokens are still locked, and not listed on any exchange. It also became apparent that all the former employees in Georgia has been retrenched, with just the CEO, his wife and his wife’s nephew as well as Reuben, left to continue this project. This fact has never been disclosed to the investors and were never updated on their website, where the team members are all stil listed.

Most community members and a number of the previous employees now believe the whole project was an outright scam from the beginning, and that they are just busy with an exit strategy.

Reuben Godfrey moved to Georgia, and started to become active in the telegram groups and responding to the community personally. This is rather strange behavior for an advisor.

This was the latest selfie sent by Reuben from Georgia to a community member who was questioning the short commings of the project:

Here is a conversation between an investor and a former employee Chu Le about the project:

And another account given by an investor who spoke to a previous employee named Giorgi too.

It seems like the top management of this project are beginning to act more like the mafia interacting with investors and the community, theatening to freeze their investments and trying to bribe them in revealing the sources who provided them info about what is really happening.

There is no doubt in my mind that our funds invested will never be seen again, and it has been clear for the past few months that the project is dead, as there have been no solid information coming from Keplertek, just empty promises, most of the staff has been retrenched, the bounty rewards could not even be distributed, or T-shirts won in competitions earlier this year. The token sales were extended month on month long after the stated timelime, exchange listing has been postponed and lied about for month on end to name just a few things that set of an alarm with investors. So all of us will be loosing everything we had invested in Keplertek.

And to make matters worse, it sounds they are already planning to move onto the next project after exiting, and with the help of Reuben set up a bank in Georgia.

Several investors and community members have already started sending requests to various legal authorities in a hope to get some justice. And I am sending you this because it ties into your reporting on scam ICO’s and scam advisors.

Feel free to investigate for yourself, request more info or contact names of people involved. You can also forward this to the relevant authorities or other jounalist willing to have a closer look at this scam.

UPD: Сайт вернули. Но вряд ли это меняет ситуацию. Kepler Tech — вонючие скамеры, Годфри — лысый мошенник.

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