Strangest Things Ever Vacuumed

Shop Oreck
2 min readOct 20, 2016

We all know the feeling of vacuuming and then hearing something loudly clinking around inside. Was it a penny? Was it a Lego? Was it a prized possession? Pets, kids and wild parties sometimes end up generating the stories we will be telling for the rest of our lives. The wide variety of things sucked into vacuums ranges from the strange to the tragic. Vacuuming any of these odd items may not necessarily lead to vacuum repair, but it could.

Snakes and Such

Imagine you are snaking your vacuum hose into a hard to reach place and then suddenly your house now fills substantially more solid inside as something moves through it. Poisonous snakes have been found inside vacuum cleaners. In such cases it’s probably best to leave the snake contained and handled with care. If you aren’t sure but suspect the snake is poisonous contact professionals to properly dispose of it. If the snake is jamming your vacuum you may need to take it in to a vacuum repair shop.

Furry Little Friends

Having tiny pets roam around your house lead to a risk of them becoming victims of your own cleanliness. Check the cage before beginning to make sure they are contained. If they have been recently lost you need to take extra precautions when vacuuming areas that you can’t see very well. They might be hiding and on the run but if you vacuum them into a corner they could very easily end up on the wrong end of the vacuum.

Random Household Objects

Underwear and socks are actually quite a common issue inside vacuum cleaners. They usually will jam a vacuum pretty quickly by wrapping around the beater bar. You may not have to take it into a vacuum repair shop if you use a pair of scissors to cut it out. Tidy your house before cleaning and always be aware of where you are vacuuming. Accidents can and do happen but many can be prevented by paying attention.

Russell Lovelett is a home improvement writer for Fusion 360, an SEO and content marketing agency. Information provided by Shop Oreck. Follow on Twitter.



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