6 min readMay 29, 2017

Ghosts of Elections Past: Is Seth Rich the new Michael Connell?

The palpable heat in Philadelphia during the Democratic National Convention could not entirely be blamed on the temperature. Over the fortnight following the release of the Guccifer2.0 “hacks” (which I will hence forth dub DNCcifer2.0) and the first tranche of @Wikileaks DNC emails, there were few people that I met on Broad St who hadn’t heard about the murder of Seth Rich and cautiously were saying that something was fishy. While at the time, such speculation regarding the connection between WL and Seth was just that, speculation, I couldn’t help thinking that I had seen this before.

At the time, the confusion instigated by DNCcifer2.0 was slowly unfolding before our eyes. Now I must admit, I relied on the many researchers who were pouring thru the documents released, and there is so much info from so many sources including DCCC hacks, Judicial Watch FOIA’s as well as State Dept cables and Clinton Foundation docs, that it all becomes convoluted to those of us on the sidelines trying to reconcile what came from which source, and what is supposed to come from the “Phantom Russians” verses what has come from “official” sources; a confusion we can now confirm was the raison d’être of DNCcifer2.0.

Guccifer 2.0: Game Over (Link)

So why does Michael Connell keep popping up in my head? For those who do not know or remember, he was a Republican IT guru who, as reported, built the websites for the Bush/Cheney campaign, DOE and other federal agencies, consulted on projects in Slovenia, Macedonia, and Georgia, the US Chamber of Commerce, the RNC as well as receiving authorization in 2002 from the GSA which can serve as a “stamp of approval” for state and local agencies, such as the Ohio Secretary of State’s office, under companies such as GovTrch and New Media.

Center for Public Integrit: Consultant Profile

According to as well as my own recollections of numerous reports from the time,

“In July 2008, Connell was named as a key witness in the case known as King Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood Association v. Blackwell, which was filed against Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth J. Blackwell on August 31, 2006 by Columbus attorneys Clifford Arnebeck and Robert Fitrakis. It initially charged Blackwell with racially discriminatory practices — including the selective purging of voters from the election rolls and the unequal allocation of voting machines to various districts — and asked for measures to be taken to prevent similar problems during the November 2006 election.”

Project Censored: Mysterious Death of Mike Connell — Karl Rove’s Election Thief

Under subpoena in the case, a subpoena that Connell fought, it was reported by Arnebeck that Karl Rove had suggested to Connell that if he didn’t “take the fall” that there would be consequences. Sound familiar? He would eventually be deposed on November 3th 2008, an event that some say prevented a repeat of the 2004 “Man-In-The-Middle” attack on the Ohio election system alleged in the case.

Unfortunately, before Michael Connell, a seasoned pilot, could testify, he died in a suspicious plane crash on approach to an Akron Ohio airport while flying home from Washington D.C. in his 1997 Piper Saratoga on December 22nd 2008.

It is suspected that Connell’s digital legacy touches on many of the purported misdeeds of the Bush administration including the use of, and disappearance of private e-mails surrounding the Valery Plame incident, spying on Congressional e-mails, and may live on to this day in the election tabulation systems of Ohio and numerous other states across the country.

Now let’s compare these two entities

Michael Connell:

  1. IT tech involved mostly in Republican politics.
  2. Was suspected of technical involvement with voter data / election systems.
  3. Died under suspicious circumstances.

Seth Rich:

  1. IT tech mostly involved in Democratic politics.
  2. Is proven to have technical involvement with voter data / suspected unwitting involvement in election systems.
  3. Died under suspicious circumstances.

There is also the unrelated, but interesting coincidence between the Dan Rather “Killian Documents” controversy of fake docs used in what is known as a “Rat Fuck” operation, and the now debunked “Guccifer2.0 is a hired Russian hacker” operation mentioned above.

The Killian Documents Controversy via Wikipedia


I should probably also include the swiftly debunked FBI document from Joe Biggs that may have singed the brow of one of my favorite writers, Author Columnist and Journalist H.A. Goodman (definitely a truth teller). If only Dan Rather had a Wikileaks Staffer working with Mary Mapes before he published, he could have retired gracefully under better circumstances.

It is my belief that a similar playbook was consulted in each of these cases. In both, the damage was already done before their untimely deaths. With Michael, the deposition, and the scrutiny surrounding the case may have obstructed Republican efforts to implement their Man-In-The-Middle attack leading to Karl Rove’s freakout on FOXNews the night Obama won. No one could tell him that the fix wasn’t in because of possible FBI surveillance of the Ohio SOS offices.

Watch: Karl Rove Election Night Meltdown.

In the Seth Rich case, it apparently clear that the DNC knew that their data had made it’s way to @Wikileaks, and acted to mitigate the damage by compromising donor data in an attempt to implicate Russians using a hired hacker to pose as a Russian agent to throw the world off the scent of the true leaker, Seth Rich and insinuate that they were manipulated post-exfiltration in an effort to throw the election for Donald “Pied Piper” Trump.

Lucky for us, the Clinton’s did not expect that an army of Dwellers and Deplorables, savvy to this new digital world we live in, would set aside their vast differences to bring the murderers of Seth Rich to justice.


In this sense, it seems George W. Bush may not be as stupid as Clintonites had proclaimed for the past 16 years. At least their skulduggery paid off.

To close, I would like to take this opportunity on Memorial Day to express my heart-felt condolences to the Rich family and friends, as well as to express my respect for the Deplorables doing yeoman’s work pushing forward this investigation. It is a testament to the legacy of Seth Rich that those standing opposed on so many issues in our modern political discourse, can bridge that divide to expose those involved in the crimes surrounding the loss of a man whom I consider a modern day Paul Revere.

God’s speed Seth Rich. We got it from here.

#IamSethRich and


Blue State Bandit



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