Things You Need to Arrange for Cleaning Removable Shower Head Filters

Shovon Joarder
3 min readFeb 21, 2016

Though it’s a matter of sorrow but the truth is most of the people really don’t have any knowledge about cleaning a removable shower head filter. Even they don’t know the necessary things that should be managed for cleaning purpose. I mainly prepared this article for them because this article will help an individual to get plenty of knowledge about the things that should be arranged for cleaning removable shower head filters for hard water. Let me proceed to provide you more details.

In order to clean your removable shower head filters, the first and foremost thing you have to do is to gather your supplies. This is extremely important. But what are the things you have to gather? Well, a most effective method to clean your shower head filter is by taking it off the pipe and then soaking it in vinegar. If you are really not able to remove your shower head or if you really don’t know the actual process of doing that, then it would be better if you take help from someone especially from those who work in a sanitary shop or probably someone who has a clear knowledge regarding this matter. In order to perform this method in a proper way, you need to have the following things.

1. Soft Cloth: First of all, try your level best to manage a soft cloth. For your kind information, you can use flannel or microfiber as your soft cloth. Both of them surely work as a soft cloth.

2. Toothbrush: Besides managing a soft cloth, it’s also quite important for you to manage a toothbrush but you have to make sure that it is old. Do not use any new toothbrush or you need not to buy a new toothbrush for this method. Just use your old one or if you don’t have any brush at your hand, then try managing it from somewhere.

3. Wrench & Old Rag: These two things are optional. It’s really not necessary to manage wrench and old rag but it would be better if you are really able to manage them. Hope you got my point.

4. Distilled White Vinegar: This is one of the most important things that you have to manage in order to perform this method. Even this is more important than managing a soft cloth or old toothbrush. Failure to manage distilled white vinegar will definitely hamper your cleaning process. But you will be glad to learn that this item is available everywhere. So I think you need not to bother about purchasing tis item.

5. Bucket or Pot or Other Container: Try managing a pot or bucket or other container that is quite large enough to fit the shower head filters of your washroom. I think you need not to work hard a lot to find this equipment because usually the shower head filters are not that large in size. So I think your pot or bucket will definitely be able to provide enough space to your shower head filters.

So finally, these are the things that you must need to manage in order to clean your shower head filters. There are five things in total and I think it’s really not that difficult to manage. Everything you will inside your home, except the distilled white vinegar. You may probably need to purchase it from the shop. So I think the whole process of cleaning shower head filters will not bother you a lot and somehow it is cost effective.



Shovon Joarder

7+ years of experience in the digital marketing field. Professional digital marketer and consultant to start-up, small and medium-size business organizations.