Anaconda,Jupyter,Spyder — Things You Need To Know

Shreedhar Vellayaraj
5 min readDec 11, 2017


First Off, lets unwrap and discover what really is Machine Learning. According to Wikipedia,”Machine learning is a field of computer science that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. ” So, it says that it gives the computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed which means that, the Model that we have programmed already using any of the programming languages like python, R, Scala, etc.. trains our Machine in such a way that it learns when the user X, comes and asks a specific question that our Model has been trained for.

You could learn about the basics of Artificial Intelligence here,Artificial Intelligence-Things You Need To know

In that post , I will be discussing about the various categories of AI like Data Science , Machine Learning , Neural Nets, IoT. It’s just a quick intro about AI.

If you think that Machine Learning could only be done by top researchers and developers around the world, then you are fooling yourself, and most primarily this post is for you. This Post is divided into three categories where you will learn about how to set up your environment to execute your Machine Learning Code.

Setting Up your Environment :

There are a lot of environments that are available for free in the internet , where you could straight away go and start Programming, but Anaconda powered by Continuum Analytics is an environment that anyone could use to program in Python and R. If you use wish to program in Python, then Jupyter Notebook is your place, where you have access to a lot of scientific and Numeric Libraries and if you are more of an Analytical Person than solving scientific problems then there is R studio where a ready environment is available for persons who wish to code in R

A. Installing Anaconda:

  • After downloading your file, install your software in the system. See this video for more information on how to install Anaconda easily explained.
  • This will be your main screen of your Anaconda Prompt. This is just like a chrome where you get stuffed with a lot of webpages, but here with a lot of different tools that Anaconda is offering to us such as Jupyter, R studio, Orange, Spyder,etc..
  • Well, Congratulations for setting up your Environment to code your Machine Learning Algorithm.

B. Setting Up your Jupyter Notebook:

Note that Jupyter Notebook runs on your browser, so each time you open your notebook you will be directed to your default browser. I basically use Chrome but some prefer Mozilla Firefox because of its timeliness.

  • Click On the Launch button for Jupyter Notebook available in your Anaconda Prompt .
  • After Clicking Launch, you will be directed to your default browser which displays like this.
  • A list of folders available in your directory will be shown here.
  • To enter your code in python click New -> python 3
  • Now you are in your first page of your python environment. Here’s where you can execute your interactive code and save it on the run time. The best thing about Jupyter Notebooks is that it saves automatically for each time you edit your code.

C. Setting Up Spyder:

Spyder is an interactive Python development environment providing MATLAB-like features in a simple and light-weighted software. It also provides ready-to-use pure Python widgets to your application. I am a huge fan of Spyder and I use it in my day-to-day life, because not only does it allow you to access many of the libraries but you could also toggle within File Explorer, Variable Explorer, Ipython Console and Help window in a single screen.

There are simple steps that you should follow to get into Spyder. Luckily Spyder comes up with Anaconda, so you no need to install them, you just need to launch them , just like our previous Jupyter Notebook.

  • Click On the Launch button for Spyder available in your Anaconda Prompt .
  • You will not be directed to your browser, this time instead you will see a screen open like this,
  • Right Side of the screen — Place where you type your code.
  • Top Left Side of the screen — Place where you play around with your files and explore your output. You could also use Help menu to discover your syntax
  • Bottom Left Side of the screen — Place where you see your Output.
  • If you want to know more about how to code and execute in Spyder, visit Learn How to code in Spyder

We’ve Reached the end of this post. In this post you’ve learned about how to setup and launch various environments such as Anaconda, Jupyter, Spyder the three essential editor that one should use for coding their ML code.

In the next post I will try to start explaining Algorithms, that are the heart of Machine Learning in a very simplified manner.

Visit my website for more interesting algorithms, concepts, tools explained in a simplified manner

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