For All Ascendants — Mars Transit in Taurus 12th July — 26th August 2024

6 min readJul 10, 2024



Welcome, seekers. In this article, we’ll explore the profound effects of Mars transiting into Taurus on July 12th and its conjunction with Jupiter until August 26th. This powerful transit brings together the energies of Mars, the planet of action, and Jupiter, the planet of wisdom. As Mars moves from Aries to Taurus, it brings significant transformations for each ascendant. Let’s delve into the insights and guidance for all zodiac signs.

Aries Ascendant

Mars Transit: 2nd House (Finances and Family)

Mars rules your ascendant and the eighth house, moving into your second house. This transit focuses on your financial matters and family dynamics. You might find yourself directly supervising and managing your finances, and your presence will be crucial for your family. With Jupiter also in this house, positive transformations in financial and inheritance matters are likely.

Key Points:

  • Increased attention to financial management.
  • Positive changes in family and financial stability.
  • Potential for real estate and inheritance resolutions.
  • Emphasis on healthy eating habits.


  • Avoid junk food, especially if Mars is afflicted.
  • Monitor heart health and avoid unhealthy cravings.

Taurus Ascendant

Mars Transit: 1st House (Self and Identity)

Mars enters your first house, bringing an energetic and ambitious drive. With Jupiter already nourishing your ascendant, this period is excellent for pursuing your goals and dreams. However, it’s essential to calculate the sacrifices required to achieve them.

Key Points:

  • High energy and ambition to pursue goals.
  • Opportunities for significant career advancements.
  • Importance of humility and groundedness.
  • Focus on creative and feminine aspects of life.


  • Avoid overconfidence and control-seeking behavior.
  • Be mindful of potential consequences and collateral damage.

Gemini Ascendant

Mars Transit: 12th House (Isolation and Subconscious)

Mars moves into your 12th house, influencing isolation, long-distance travel, and subconscious workings. This period is ideal for inner reflection and resolving past battles. Financial caution is advised as expenses may match your income.

Key Points:

  • Focus on inner desires and subconscious mind.
  • Potential for resolving past conflicts.
  • Emphasis on financial management and avoiding unnecessary expenses.
  • Opportunities for long-distance travel.


  • Be careful while driving and avoid impulsive decisions.
  • Manage energy levels and avoid isolation-induced stress.

Cancer Ascendant

Mars Transit: 11th House (Social Connections and Gains)

Mars in your 11th house brings excellent opportunities for expanding your social circle and professional networks. This period is ideal for teamwork, collaborations, and pursuing creative endeavors. Expect positive transformations in your social and professional life.

Key Points:

  • Expansion of social and professional networks.
  • Increased opportunities for teamwork and collaborations.
  • Positive impact on creativity and career growth.
  • Potential for significant gains and achievements.


  • Avoid shortcuts and maintain ethical practices.
  • Be cautious with investments and speculative ventures.

Leo Ascendant

Mars Transit: 10th House (Career and Public Image)

Mars transits your 10th house, pulling you out of your comfort zone and into the professional arena. This period offers excellent career opportunities, recognition, and the chance to build a strong professional reputation. Embrace the challenges and work diligently towards your goals.

Key Points:

  • Significant career advancements and recognition.
  • Opportunities to build a strong professional reputation.
  • Increased focus on career and public image.
  • Potential for leadership and managerial roles.


  • Avoid overexertion and burnout.
  • Be mindful of sudden fluctuations in speculative ventures.

Virgo Ascendant

Mars Transit: 9th House (Beliefs and Higher Knowledge)

Mars in your 9th house emphasizes higher knowledge, beliefs, and long-distance travel. This period is ideal for expanding your horizons, learning new skills, and seeking spiritual growth. Embrace the opportunities for personal and professional development.

Key Points:

  • Focus on higher knowledge and spiritual growth.
  • Opportunities for long-distance travel and exploration.
  • Positive impact on education and skill development.
  • Increased involvement in guiding and mentoring others.


  • Avoid overconfidence and rigidity in beliefs.
  • Be cautious with travel plans and ensure thorough planning.

Libra Ascendant

Mars Transit: 8th House (Transformation and Shared Resources)

Mars transits your 8th house, bringing transformative energy to shared resources, finances, and personal growth. This period emphasizes deep desires and transformation, offering opportunities for positive changes and resolutions in financial matters.

Key Points:

  • Transformation in shared resources and finances.
  • Opportunities for resolving financial and inheritance matters.
  • Emphasis on personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Potential for deep and meaningful changes.


  • Avoid impulsive decisions and conflicts in financial matters.
  • Be mindful of health and avoid overexertion.

Scorpio Ascendant

Mars Transit: 7th House (Partnerships and Relationships)

Mars moves into your 7th house, focusing on partnerships, relationships, and collaborations. This period brings energy and motivation to work on your personal and professional relationships, offering opportunities for growth and success.

Key Points:

  • Increased focus on partnerships and relationships.
  • Opportunities for professional collaborations and growth.
  • Positive impact on personal and business relationships.
  • Emphasis on teamwork and shared goals.


  • Avoid being overly assertive and controlling.
  • Be mindful of conflicts and strive for balance in relationships.

Sagittarius Ascendant

Mars Transit: 6th House (Health and Daily Routine)

Mars transits your 6th house, emphasizing health, daily routine, and discipline. This period is ideal for adopting healthy habits, working on self-improvement, and resolving conflicts. Embrace the energy and focus on maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Key Points:

  • Increased focus on health and daily routine.
  • Opportunities for self-improvement and discipline.
  • Positive impact on resolving conflicts and challenges.
  • Emphasis on adopting healthy habits.


  • Avoid overexertion and manage stress effectively.
  • Be mindful of dietary choices and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Capricorn Ascendant

Mars Transit: 5th House (Creativity and Self-Expression)

Mars in your 5th house brings a surge of creative energy and self-expression. This period is ideal for pursuing hobbies, creative projects, and enhancing your skills. Embrace the opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Key Points:

  • Increased focus on creativity and self-expression.
  • Opportunities for pursuing hobbies and creative projects.
  • Positive impact on personal and professional growth.
  • Emphasis on skill enhancement and self-development.


  • Avoid being overly bold and expressive.
  • Be mindful of boundaries and maintain humility.

Aquarius Ascendant

Mars Transit: 4th House (Home and Emotional Security)

Mars transits your 4th house, focusing on home, family, and emotional security. This period emphasizes working on creating a safe and secure environment, both emotionally and physically. Embrace the opportunities for building a strong foundation.

Key Points:

  • Increased focus on home and family.
  • Opportunities for creating a safe and secure environment.
  • Positive impact on emotional and physical well-being.
  • Emphasis on building a strong foundation.


  • Avoid conflicts and maintain harmony in family matters.
  • Be mindful of emotional well-being and manage stress effectively.

Pisces Ascendant

Mars Transit: 3rd House (Communication and Learning)

Mars in your 3rd house emphasizes communication, learning, and self-expression. This period is ideal for pursuing educational goals, enhancing communication skills, and spreading valuable messages. Embrace the opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Key Points:

  • Increased focus on communication and learning.
  • Opportunities for pursuing educational goals.
  • Positive impact on self-expression and skill development.
  • Emphasis on spreading valuable messages.


  • Avoid being overly assertive in communication.
  • Be mindful of listening skills and maintain humility.

