“The Evolution of Social Media”

Sid Murphy
5 min readSep 6, 2023

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The Evolution of Social Media: From Chat Rooms to the Metaverse

In the not-so-distant past, if you wanted to connect with friends or meet new people online, you’d probably log into a chat room or create a profile on a website like MySpace. Fast forward to today, and social media has evolved into an integral part of our daily lives, shaping how we communicate, consume information, and even perceive reality. This journey through the evolution of social media is a fascinating tale of innovation, cultural shifts, and the relentless march of technology.

The Early Days: Birth of Online Communities

Prodigy and AOL: The Pioneers

The story of social media begins in the early 1990s when online services like Prodigy and America Online (AOL) introduced millions of users to the concept of virtual communities. These services offered basic chat rooms and bulletin boards where people could engage in discussions and share their interests. However, these platforms were text-based and limited in scope.

GeoCities and the Personal Web

In the mid-’90s, GeoCities emerged as one of the first platforms to allow users to create their personal web…



Sid Murphy

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