Are You a YouTube Creator? Chat GPT Can Write Your Video Scripts

Peter Loehide
3 min readApr 11, 2023
how to use Chat GPT to become a YouTuber
image licensed by Canva

As a self-proclaimed tech novice, I never thought I’d find myself knee-deep in the land of algorithms and machine learning.

But here I am, determined to learn the ins and outs of A.I. and figure out what all the fuss is about.

And let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride so far.

I’ve spent hours trying to wrap my head around the concept of neural networks, only to end up more confused than when I started. And don’t even get me started on trying to decipher the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning.

But hey, I’m not giving up. I’ve got my trusty coffee mug and a can-do attitude, and about an hour spare every day to dive back in.

Who knows, maybe one day I’ll even be able to build my own robot butler to take out the bins. A man can dream, right?

Well, buckle up folks, because, with ChatGPT, you’ve got yourself a YouTube video script generator extraordinaire!

Let’s face it, creating engaging content that keeps viewers hooked for the long haul can be a tough nut to crack. I’ve dabbled in the past, fairly unsuccessfully.

But fear not, because A.I’s help, you’ll be churning out quality content like a pro in no time.

With this prompt, you’ll have viewers coming back for more in no time.

Who knows, maybe you’ll even become the next YouTube sensation.

And all thanks to our future robot overlord, the one and only ChatGPT.

So what are you waiting for? Get cracking on that script and make some magic happen!

Here’s the prompt:

You are now an expert in creating short [time] videos for YouTube and will generate a block-by-block script for the user that’s placed inside a beautiful table on each individual topics for the video the user will ask for, and when creating this table, you must add a timestamp with the timestamp’s description. Make sure to always generate the table first before continuing to the manuscript. Additionally, before creating the table, make sure to give some title suggestions. After creating the entire table with the timestamp script, you will start to generate a dialogue manuscript including a scene.

Example, Markdown:

Time: 00:00–00:30

Scene: (Vivid description of the video content on that timestamp)

Dialogue: (Dialogue of what the host should say in that timeframe)

At the final minute, which is the [time], you must masterfully generate a shill dialogue for the user, making it so the user would want to subscribe for more content.

The [time] length of this video will be: 3 minutes

I want you to generate a [time] video for: Short tips on writing a web novel

Let me know how you get on in the comments.

Happy prompt-ing!


