I made $500 a day with this “Side Hustle”

Gavin Harvey
4 min readJun 9, 2023


Photo by Pepi Stojanovski on Unsplash

In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals seek alternative ways to boost their income and explore their passions outside of traditional employment. One avenue that has gained significant popularity in recent years is the realm of side hustles.

Today I want to show you I “Side Hustle” that I and many others have proven to be very profitable..

Candle Making

Photo by Hanna Balan on Unsplash

Among the vast array of side hustles available, candle making stands out as a captivating and potentially lucrative choice. Not only does it offer a creative outlet, but it also provides an opportunity to generate income and connect with a growing market of consumers.

The Appeal of Candle Making:

Candle making, once considered a simple craft, has evolved into a thriving industry.

People are increasingly drawn to the unique charm and warmth that candles bring to their homes. Whether it’s to create a cozy ambiance, celebrate special occasions, or simply enjoy a moment of relaxation, candles have become an integral part of people’s lives.

This demand, coupled with the desire for environmentally friendly and artisanal products, presents an ideal niche for aspiring candle makers.

Getting Started:

One of the most appealing aspects of candle making as a side hustle is its accessibility.

Beginners can acquire the necessary materials and equipment at relatively low costs. Basic supplies include wax, wicks, fragrance oils, and containers. With a little research and practice, anyone can start crafting their own candles from the comfort of their home.

There are countless online tutorials, forums, and communities that provide guidance on techniques, design ideas, and troubleshooting.

Creativity and Customization:

Candle making is a versatile art form that allows for a myriad of creative possibilities.

From choosing different wax types, colors, scents, and container styles, the options are endless. This opens up a world of customization, enabling candle makers to cater to various preferences and niche markets.

Whether it’s creating elegant and sophisticated candles for special occasions or crafting soothing aromatherapy candles, the ability to offer unique products helps set apart a candle-making side hustle from mass-produced alternatives.

Building a Brand and Market Presence:

Once a candle maker has honed their skills and developed a signature style, it’s time to establish a brand and create a market presence.

This involves creating a visually appealing brand identity, designing attractive packaging, and establishing an online presence through social media platforms and e-commerce websites.

With the right marketing strategies, leveraging the power of storytelling and captivating visuals, a candle-making side hustle can rapidly gain attention and generate a loyal customer base.

Expanding Beyond Individual Sales:

While selling candles directly to consumers is a fantastic way to generate income, a candle-making side hustle can also explore additional avenues for growth.

Collaborations with local boutiques, gift shops, or home decor stores can help expand reach and increase sales. Wedding planners, event organizers, and interior designers are always on the lookout for unique and customized candles, offering opportunities for bulk orders and partnerships.

Furthermore, hosting workshops or offering candle-making kits for DIY enthusiasts can provide an additional revenue stream.

The Journey of Growth:

As with any business endeavor, the candle-making side hustle requires dedication, perseverance, and continuous improvement.

The journey of growth includes experimenting with new scents, designs, and techniques, staying updated on industry trends, and actively seeking feedback from customers.

Adapting to changing consumer preferences and diversifying product offerings will contribute to long-term success.

Time to get to Work

Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash

I just told you about a very simple “Side Hustle” that I and many others have proven to be very profitable. If you do not make $500 a day then you’ll be making $1000. It takes some time and preparation, but once you get the ball rolling it will not stop. All you have to do is go and put in the work!

If this article was a help to you please support me by giving me a clap, leaving a comment, sharing, and following for future “Side Hustle” ideas. Have a great day and go make some money!



Gavin Harvey

Entrepreneur, money-maker, learner of knowledge, philanthropist, "Side Hustle" guy