Unleashing Your Creativity: Exploring the Exciting World of Resin Art as a Side Hustle

Gavin Harvey
4 min readJun 8, 2023


Photo by Travis Essinger on Unsplash


In today’s fast-paced world, many people are looking for creative outlets and additional income streams beyond their regular jobs. Side hustles have gained immense popularity as a means to explore passions, showcase talent, and generate extra income. One such unique and captivating side hustle is resin art. This creative endeavor allows individuals to unleash their imagination, express their artistic flair, and turn their passion into profit. In this article, we delve into the world of resin art, exploring its possibilities, benefits, and how you can turn it into a fulfilling and lucrative side hustle.

What is Resin Art?

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Resin art involves using a two-part epoxy resin to create stunning and mesmerizing works of art. The resin, when mixed with a hardener, creates a liquid medium that can be colored, manipulated, and poured onto various surfaces. As it cures, the resin forms a hard, glossy, and durable finish, encapsulating colors, textures, and other elements added during the creative process. The result is a captivating piece of art with a unique and luxurious appearance.

Getting Started with Resin Art:

  1. Gather Supplies: To embark on your resin art journey, you will need some essential supplies, including epoxy resin, a hardener, mixing cups, stirring sticks, a torch or heat gun for removing bubbles, a workspace covering, protective gear like gloves and a respirator, and various additives like pigments, glitters, or molds to add texture and interest to your creations.
  2. Learn the Techniques: Resin art offers endless possibilities, and there are several techniques you can explore. Some popular techniques include resin pouring, resin geode art, resin ocean waves, resin petri dish art, and resin jewelry making. Take the time to research and practice different techniques to find your niche and develop your unique style.
  3. Safety First: Working with resin requires taking safety precautions. Make sure you have proper ventilation in your workspace, wear protective gear, and carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for handling and working with resin.
  4. Practice Makes Perfect: Like any art form, resin art takes time and practice to master. Start with small projects and gradually work your way up to larger and more complex pieces. Experiment with different color combinations, textures, and additives to discover what resonates with you and your audience.

Transforming Resin Art into a Side Hustle:

  1. Build an Online Presence: In today’s digital age, having an online presence is crucial for reaching a wider audience. Create social media accounts to showcase your resin art, document your creative process, and engage with fellow artists and potential customers. Consider setting up an online store or joining platforms like Etsy to sell your resin art pieces.
  2. Collaborate and Network: Collaborating with other artists, participating in local art exhibitions or craft fairs, and joining resin art communities can help you gain exposure and connect with like-minded individuals. Networking opportunities can lead to commissions, collaborations, or even teaching workshops to share your knowledge and skills.
  3. Price Your Art Appropriately: Determine the value of your resin art by considering factors like time invested, materials used, and the uniqueness of your creations. Research the market and compare prices to ensure your pricing is competitive yet reflects the quality and effort you put into your work.
  4. Continuous Learning and Growth: Keep up with current trends and techniques by attending workshops, online courses, or joining resin art forums. Staying informed and continuously improving your skills will allow you to offer a diverse range of products and cater to evolving customer preferences.


Resin art is a captivating and fulfilling side hustle that allows you to express your creativity, create stunning pieces of art, and generate extra income. With the right supplies, techniques, and dedication, you can transform resin art into a profitable endeavor. Whether you choose to sell your art online or participate in local art events, resin art provides endless opportunities for growth, networking, and personal fulfillment. So, unleash your creativity, dive into the world of resin art, and embark on a fulfilling and rewarding side hustle journey.

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Gavin Harvey

Entrepreneur, money-maker, learner of knowledge, philanthropist, "Side Hustle" guy