Why Customer Experience Matters: 5 CX Tips to Win in Marketing

Silly Pixel Studio
3 min readDec 12, 2022


Image by Freepik

When we hear about customer experience, we immediately think it is the responsibility of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) team. However, customer experience marketing differs slightly.

The advertisement of your product or service, its packaging, features, and usability create an impression on the customer — negative or positive. It determines whether they would make the final purchase and continue to view your brand favorably.

Hence, marketers should pay attention to the customer experience to ensure it exceeds the users’ expectations across all touchpoints.

1. Accessible marketing

According to WHO, over 1 billion people live with some form of disability. Excluding them from a brand’s marketing efforts will hinder its growth. Marketers must include the viewpoints of disabled individuals from the inception.

Website, emails, events, advertisements — every component of the user experience should be seamless to serve all audiences effectively. Adding audio descriptions to your videos can help individuals with vision impairments, while captions can help people with hearing impairments.

So while marketing your brand, remember the various types of disabilities that can cause impairments in mobility, vision, speech, hearing, and intellect to ensure you are not leaving a large demographic out of the picture.

2. User-centric design

Your customers create the perception of your brand through the design of your website, social media profiles, and products. To ensure this first impression lives up to their expectations, you need to keep your customers in the center.

The design should not confuse people. It’s great if you come up with a unique design, but if that prevents people from finding out what they are looking for, it negatively impacts the customer experience. So, keep testing and analyzing each element to ensure it aligns with the users’ sensibilities.

3. Self-help tools

Your customer should be able to find resources to help themselves better if they face any problem while using your product. Following a lengthy procedure or not having any help available Will not make a good impression on your buyers.

You can create a FAQ page for frequent queries. Automated tools like chatbots allow people to connect with your brand 24x7. Videos demonstrating how to use your product or service can also help greatly. And if your brand has already built a customer base, you can create a public forum where users can solve each others’ queries.

4. Quick direction to resolution

Ideally, your self-help resources should help your customer address their problems. But that does not eliminate the need for a customer support team. So, you need to ensure customers can connect to the right support person without any hurdles. And your CRM team can take it from there.

5. Consistent omnichannel experience

Your website, mobile application, and social media platforms should be in sync with each other. Though it does not mean every element has to be replicated on each platform. It simply means your brand should send a unified message, no matter where your customer is.

It should allow customers to continue their journey from one place to another seamlessly. This smooth omnichannel experience enhances the customer experience to a great extent.

Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

While no one will deny that “Customer is king,” we often forget the customer’s perspective during our creative frenzy. Let’s bring the focus back to the user experience to ensure people love our creations as much as we do.

Head to Silly Pixel Studio for everything related to digital marketing.

