Why Is AI the Future of Digital Marketing?

Silly Pixel Studio
4 min readNov 28, 2022


Image by fxquadro on Freepik

Alan Turing published a paper in 1950 where he introduced The Imitation Game to find an answer to the question, “Can machines think?”. The Turing Test he conducted can be considered the foundation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as we know it today.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

In simplified terms, AI is the ability of machines to complete any task that usually requires human intelligence. The machine here can be any digital computer or computer-controlled program that simulates human intellect by analyzing and learning human communication and behavior.

This fascinating branch of computer science seems to be the future of everything digital, making it an integral part of digital marketing. So today, we look at exactly why it is so crucial.

Targeted marketing with AI

Traditional marketing requires you to spend thousands of bucks targeting a broad audience that may or may not be curious about your brand. Digital marketing allows you to send a more targeted message that only addresses interested customers. This has been possible with AI’s ability to analyze a consumer’s preferences or past purchases.

Apart from personalized recommendations, it also helps with customer retention. After spending a considerable time browsing a product, if a user abandons the cart without making a purchase, AI can recognize the disengagement and quickly intervene. The program can send an email to the user offering a deal or other relevant call to action that often leads to the customer re-engaging with the brand.

For example, anyone following WordPress pages or browsing web designing posts will find this ad relevant, but displaying it to all Facebook users will be a waste of resources.


Customer relationship management with AI

The customer’s perception often determines whether a brand is considered good or bad. Naturally, customer relationship management is vital for the digital marketing team. Chatbots, powered by AI, make the task easier than ever. They can work 24x7 and address multiple customers at once, eliminating the waiting time and improving the customer experience.

Chatbots utilize AI’s natural language processing ability to monitor customer data and notify the prospective buyer about deals and promotions. They can also find solutions to a customer’s queries and assign them to a relevant support group whenever necessary. The support is not limited to addressing grievances only. Chatbots can analyze a customer’s preferences and give appropriate product recommendations, which help boost sales.

For example, Sephora’s chatbot on Kik Messenger helps a customer with makeup tips, all thanks to AI.

Content marketing with AI

Content marketing is a massive part of digital marketing, and AI has revolutionized this segment. The basis of content marketing is curating the right content for the right demographic. With AI, it gets easier to analyze the vast data available and identify the type of content a customer prefers and takes action on.

Apart from finding potential customers, AI can now also help you create suitable content for them. From blogs and articles to email subjects and advertisement copies, AI will come to the rescue regardless of your content requirement. It may not be as advanced to pen a long column based on opinions and emotions, but that day may not be too far.

For example, this article has been updated using Heliograf, The Washington Post’s in-house automated storytelling technology.

Game Summary:
The Yorktown Patriots triumphed over the visiting Wilson Tigers in a close game on Thursday, 20–14.
The game began with a scoreless first quarter.
In the second quarter, The Patriots’ Paul Dalzell was the first to put points on the board with a two-yard touchdown reception off a pass from quarterback William Porter.
Wilson was behind Yorktown 7–0 heading into the second half. Wilson’s Anton Reed tied the score with a two-yard touchdown run. The Patriots took the lead from Wilson with a two-yard touchdown run by Tanner Wall. The Patriots scored again on Adam Luncher’s 29-yard field goal.

User-friendly searches with AI

Any internet user today has a variety of methods to search for web content. Though typing the query in the search bar remains the primary method, many users opt for voice or sometimes image searches, thanks to AI. The user-friendly nature of voice and image recognition technology will only attract more consumers daily.

To future-proof your digital marketing strategies, you must optimize your web content for voice and image. There is a difference between how people type and how they speak. So, the keywords that helped your website rank higher on a search engine may not be helpful during voice searches. Analyzing the difference and adopting the necessary steps should help with organic traffic.

For example, Starbucks integrated Amazon’s Alexa technology to allow its customers to place orders directly from the app using voice.

AI has blended with our daily life so seamlessly that we hardly notice when it helps us. As a result, we often neglect how we can probe deeper into this world to optimize our life and business further. By paying attention, we can harness the true power of AI and take our brands to new heights.

Head to Silly Pixel Studio for everything related to digital marketing.

