April Monthly Energy Report


Slow Down, Calm Down, Don’t Worry, Don’t Hurry, Trust the Process — Alexandra Stoddard

The New moon is at 7.36pm 7th April. The Full moon is at 1.23pm 22nd April

After the intensity of last month — there’s still very strong and dynamic energies in play, especially during the New Moon on the 7th.

Mid Month, it’s the start of a series of planets retrograding which means their energy will be powerful as their gravitational pull moves backwards and we’ll be more inclined to sit with our inner world rather than branch out into the external world.

A good time for self exploration. Not a good time to put peddle to the metal but about taking an inward look at where, what, who and why in pretty much everything that we do.

It’s the cosmic slow down season.

The Flower Essence resonating strongly with this month is the Black Eyed Susan.

With intense clashing energies this April. The essence of the Black Eyed Susan helps us to slow down. It’s especially helpful for people who are always on the go and use busyness as an excuse to disconnect from themselves, life and esepcially those around them. It settles the nervous system so that one can still be “busy” and connected. They can settle in the moment.

At the time of the new moon, find your voice and take a leap faith. There’s some extremely positive and unique energy in play, but by next week the energy will change and it won’t feel so liberating.

This month and even well into May it’s about being rather than doing.

April is about responding through choice rather through reactive behaviors. The monthly energy doesn’t support confrontational arguments nor the need to change and confront undermining behaviors in work and personal relationships.

This is the time to reawaken and fine-tune your powers of observation and find the balance to be engaged.

During April, be discerning of where you’re placing your energy. Notice how you channel emotion — positive and negative. Self-care routines would prove the saving grace for some people as we can feel easily triggered. Where possible take time out in nature.

The shedding of old identities has been paramount over the last few years, our perceptions of ourselves and the world is predominately shifting. There’s a big push around the quality of our life and what we want. This is not the month to overextend ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. Life may feel like a time warp for a while. The more you push the more frustrated you will feel.

Recognition of how far you’ve come can prove really powerful and healing at this time. It can give you a new point of reference so you don’t always look at the past. Celebrate!

A lot of people have been tuning in and naturally moving forward in the most courageous of ways. The past will well and truly be the past and we’ll step forward as if we’re learning to walk all over again.

The Full moon on 22nd April can be best described by Sarah Varcus

The Full Moon on 22nd provides wise illumination of our deepest feelings and invites honest appraisal of our emotional and psychological well-being. If we have been struggling for some time with emotional pain there is no shame in seeking help and asking for support. Being human is tough. Life can be hard and these days are incredibly intense. For those who have been soldiering-on battle worn and weary, this Moon encourages a softening in attitude towards oneself; a willingness to admit needs previously denied and vulnerabilities kept hidden from view. We are all in this together and not so different from each other. The need to show a certain coping and tough face to the world keeps many in a prison of loneliness, unable to connect authentically for fear of the mask slipping to reveal a scared, flawed and vulnerable human being. This Moon assures us it’s okay to be any or all of those things. We are who we are, and embracing that truth can be the most healing and restorative gift we can offer ourselves and each other under the penetrating radiance of this Moon.”

I’ve always had the brave face. There’s nothing wrong with that, it does have it’s place. It’s part of the journey to feeling vulnerable. Vulnerability is a natural timing thing — You’ve got to be ready and willing. For me, I had to learn to have my own back and to trust what I see and feel.

This has also been an ongoing journey for many people.

When I look back at my past and see why things worked out the way they have. I seriously believe there is always a higher wisdom weaving it’s magic and I always eventually realise the wisdom associated with it.

Life is indeed a journey, it’s not a cliché but a fact. The more we can see life from this perspective the more open we can be in mind, heart and spirit. It’s the spirit of who we are that’ll give us the stamina and inner power to work towards what we want and need over the coming months.

Over the last few days I’ve been interviewing a range of women for a new online program I’m creating. Women from all over the world have been open to answering some really deep and revealing questions. More than half have answered in the same way and all have the same fears. We have some incredibly strong women amongst us and yet all are afraid of being judged, not being good enough and letting everyone down. If we all have the same stuff why is it so hard for us to be open with each other? Being brave and true will go further this month. Even if it just starts as an internal acknowledgement.

My advice. When in doubt. Don’t. Hit a wall. Stop and Surrender. There will be power in it.

Have a great month

Much Flowery Love






Tracy O'Meara Smith | Holistic Therapist

I help women move through times of crisis launching them into a new way of being in mind, body and soul.