Love Conquers All

Simon Lucy
3 min readJun 20, 2018

Sense8 Season Two Finale

It was with a degree of apprehension that I approached the final episode of Sense8 on Netflix. Originally the series was cancelled on a cliffhanger by Netscape as the cost and size of audience equation failed whatever minimum measure they had. The reaction of the fanbase was so immediate, so vigorous and from such a (likely uniquely) diverse audience formed of early adopters, taste makers and core Netflix users that the company relented and the Wachowsky’s negotiated a final feature length episode.

The apprehension was in part about the gap and whether the whole complicated story could be satisfactorily drawn together, would the production values be maintained, would the budget be sufficient for the complex choreography of scenes that the Wachowsky’s had developed to such a high degree?

Or would it end with a truncation, a whimpering conclusion that would diminish the character of the series and by association, the writers, director and cast? And of course Netflix.

The beginning had me forgetting all of that by taking up the story seconds from where it ended in the last episode. The overall continuity probably due to the scenes already being shot some way into the story lines.

What is it about this series that mobilised such a impact that made its cancellation look like a criticism or…



Simon Lucy

tall, fat and bald, these opinions may or may not be mine own, they're certainly not anybody else's.