Land Sale: Buying instructions

Sin City Metaverse
4 min readDec 29, 2021


If you have successfully been whitelisted for the upcoming land sale starting at 18:00 UTC, 29 December 2021. See below for instructions and a quick FAQ to help aid your buying experience.

Map Link:

Whitelist (check each tab for your address):

Public Sale: Do note, a Public sale will also be available at 12:00 UTC, 30 December 2021. Cost: 4,000 $SIN per parcel.


(1) Login to the map website (, and login to Metamask. Then simply click ‘sign in with Metamask’

(2) On opening the map. You will see green, red and black lines / squares.

Green squares = available to buy

Red squares = these are already purchased

Black lines = these are roads and cannot be purchased.

(3) You can now select the parcels you would like to buy into your ‘shopping cart’. Note, you can ONLY buy a maximum of 5 plots per transaction.

If you are whitelisted for more than 5 plots, you can buy in two or more transactions. This is to safeguard against bots.

NOTE. The price should be 3000 SIN. If it’s showing Value $SIN as above, it could mean this has already been purchased and is awaiting confirmation on the blockchain. Therefore, if you attempt to buy it, the transaction will fail.

Please only add lands that have 3000 SIN assigned as the value to your cart.

(4) After you’re happy with the plots you want to buy, click purchase all in your cart. Metamask will pop up to confirm access to your SIN tokens.

(5) The final step is to confirm the Metamask purchase. Click confirm, and you will complete the purchase.

(6) Add the land token contract to your Metamask wallet (0 Decimal places): 0x0eFE71Cc3a6481FFa1240AB27033de7d567c3F36

You will then be able to see the amount of plots of land you own.

For the more technical astute. You can also double check using BSCScan, and going to Contract > Read contract > enter NFT ID to see the co-ordinates of the plots you own.

Note. In due course, we will have an open world explorer which will show where your plots are in the Metaverse.


Q. My purchase is not confirming?

  • Make sure you are whitelisted.
  • Make sure the land you are buying has a value of 3,000 SIN when viewing in the chart.
  • Try reconnecting, and ensuring you are connected to the right wallet.
  • Most importantly be patient especially during busy periods of buying.
  • Team will be available on both discord and telegram to help, but please try your best to troubleshoot yourself before jumping into the chat with queries. Also, try to present a screenshot to help us address your concerns (no one in the community will ever DM you first for security purposes).

Q. I’m whitelsited, can I buy in the public sale?

Yes, you can. However, you will need to purchase from a new wallet. To aid this, please disconnect your wallet from the website, and then reconnect so it allows you to sign in again.

Q. Can I buy on mobile?

You will not be able to access / view the map on mobile metamask. We only recommend desktop for the map.

You may be able to buy using mobile, but it will not be a streamlined experience.

Q. It says I’ve reached my maximum purchase limit?!

This means you’ve reached your limit based on the whitelist. You will have an opportunity to buy in the public sale.

Q. What are these black lines?

You cannot buy these squares, they are ‘roads’.

Q. What is the land contract address?


Q. Where are the best places to buy?

The map has been designed in a way that all plots are desirable.

Central locations are great, as that’s where the majority of the gameplay will be, and it will be close to our permanent fixtures (such as the main Casino, and Chinese Temple).

Beside or near a road can also be considered desirable as there will be players moving around in their vehicles.

Beside a lake or on the coast can also be considered desirable as you will have a ‘waterside’ view.

Q. Should I buy in one or all of the districts?

It’s totally up to you, and your preference. Each district is unique, and popularity will really be driven by game-player’s and limited partners.

Q. How long will I have to buy?

You have 18 hours to buy, there will be more land continually minted during these hours but the majority of plots will be avaialble to buy when the whitelist goes live.

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Sin City Metaverse

We are the first ‘R-Rated’ Mafia Metaverse built on Blockchain Technology. Website: