Eating healthy, training & routine whilst travelling.

Siobhan Lou
3 min readJan 14, 2019


NEW YEAR, SAME ME💁🏽‍♀️! But this year we are on the road, yeeeew! France🇫🇷 to be specific. It’s the same bullshit; we eat a shit tonne on the holidays, drink all the alcohol and don’t move (or at least as much) so naturally, January is the month for cleaning our damn selves up👩🏽‍⚖️.
Last year I started a series of blogs related to feeling fabulous at 30 where I tracked my progress through my blogs👩🏽‍💻 each week. I wasn’t going to do it again this year but my whole situation and struggles are all so nice and new so why not share the love with you guys🤗. And I did just read back on those blogs and was like ‘hell yeh girl, you did that’👊🏻.

Basically we are on a farm👩🏽‍🌾. Yes, I am frothing on the farm girl duties🏇🏽.

The nearest supermarket is a ten minute drive away, and when I say drive I mean like driving in the country, wrong side of the road drive🙆🏽‍♀️. It’s not your typical, I’ll just nip out to the supermarket drive; or ‘seven eleven’ on the corner. Country humans, I currently feel your pain🙈. I use this situation to my pure advantage, however, as we have to stock up say once a week and you can only eat what you buy right? BINGO! Clean foods for me please🥬.

Next up training🤸🏽‍♀️! Crossfit conditioning, yoga and hmmm well not so much running but I did leave my runners in Scotland so currently they’re all out the window😆. Serious tears. We devised a plan, ‘a home training plan’ cute🕺🏻💃🏽! I know! Luckily for us we are both coaches with a somewhat creative mind so we can do this. In our lounge room👀. Yeeew! And on that note luckily our neighbours are horses and sheep🤩.

Routine!!!! I love and hate you! But after sleeping in till nearly the afternoon and wasting my whole mornings I am so keen for it🤗⏰. Alarms are set for waking up and bedtime. This is a not a joke blog humans👩🏽‍🏫. Luckily for us we have to feed our cute farm animals around 8am or all animal antics will be on🐒. So training must be done before, getting back to 7am sessions will be horrendous but oh so amazing when they’re done🙏🏽. Plus I can train in my pyjamas🙈. Then we have some meditation🧘🏽‍♀️, dog walking, business planning for the year and kindle time📚 (this is my current favourite time) thanks Mum😘! Also, any kindle book suggestions please do fire them through🙋🏽‍♀️.

OK, I think I’m on🤓! When this is offically published and out there to the public there is no going back, because ego👁. So please do follow along on my insta stories 📷(siobhan_macleod) and my blog updates👩🏽‍💻 to see how the new kinda healthy thing while travelling goes🤞🏻. Wish me luck Humans☘️! Also, always open for tips, feedback and other people joining in on this little ride. #AboutHumanS 😘



Siobhan Lou

A very little, very vibrant Scottish lass writing about all things Breathwork Meditation Healing & Keith’s Ceremonial Cacao! #humanswhobreathe *Also on YOUTUBE!