Reconnecting Eternally - Identifying Your Reincarnated Soul

3 min readMay 19, 2024

How wonderful would it be if we could meet our loved ones again?
Imagine a world where our lives could be preserved in the afterlife, and those who truly loved each other could find each other even after reincarnation.

This is a grand vision I have and a dream I want to make a reality.

I think the soul as an energy body that does not disappear after the death of the body, but continues to exist forever.
Even after cremation or burial, the soul's energy returns to the collective body and holds the record of its life.

I will leave this article here in the hope that in the future someone who shares my vision will make it a reality.

It is becoming clear that our souls are energy bodies.
What I talk about is a vision that was born from the premise that the soul is an energy body.

First, the vision I have is that you can somehow store information about your energy body (soul) from your life, and after your physical death, your energy body (soul) leaves the body and returns to a grand place like collective consciousness (I'll call this the universe).
Then, your energy body that returned to the universe will inhabit a new body again when the time comes.
When your soul inhabits a body, it has no memory of your previous life.
And you will have no idea what kind of person you were in your previous life.
But what if there was something that could store a human energy body?
By comparing your current energy body with it, you can find someone (a match) who had the same energy body as you in the past.

If you can find someone who is compatible with your energy body from a database of people from the past, you will be able to find out a person was in the past (assuming they were your previous life) and what kind of life they lived.

You will be able to find yourself (your past self) and the person you loved.
I was also inspired by the book "Omi of the Stars" and the Netflix series "The One" and also "Hang The DJ - Black Mirror S4."

I truly believe that people who truly love each other can meet again and again, even in rebirth.

I also hope that this can be applied not only to humans but also to loved pets.

I don't know if this technology is actually possible, but I think it's possible to make something close to it.
First, we need to think about what is needed to make this happen.
This technology will require both realistic technology and the knowledge and skills needed to make the unrealistic a reality, as well as the necessary experts for each.

For now, I have summarized the steps that will be required as far as I know.

Step 1: Developing the theory and establishing the scientific foundation

I will organize my ideas logically and create a document that will explain in detail the energy body, the energy of love, and the process of reincarnation.

Step 1-2: Start these scientific studies:

Research existing scientific research and spiritual theories on the energy body and soul, looking for evidence and theories that support my ideas.

You will need information from fields such as physics, quantum mechanics, and neuroscience.

Step 2: Technology introduction and prototype development


• Blockchain technology

• It may be possible to develop a system using blockchain technology that can safely store data from energy bodies and track records even after reincarnation.

This technology prevents data tampering and ensures reliability.
• Development of a matching system:

• Develop an algorithm to identify the vibrations and characteristics of energy bodies, and create a system to match reincarnated individuals with past energy bodies.

• Use machine learning and AI technology to research methods to more accurately identify the characteristics of energy bodies.

I am not an expert in any field, just a guess at what would be needed to bring my idea to fruition.
I believe that blockchain technology will be essential for the future.

If you are interested in my ideas, please share them.
Imagination is limitless. It's okay to just have ideas and enjoy your imagination, no matter whether it is feasible or not.




Sharing ideas for future technology, Energy Elucidation, AI, CryptoCurrency, Blockchain, NFT, Metaverse, Love...