Understanding Compiler Cache (Ccache) : 3rd Week with Outreachy

Siziwe Lupondo
3 min readJun 12, 2024


It’s another Monday in June — well, not just another Monday because today marks exactly three weeks since I started my journey with Outreachy at Moja Global. I am sitting on my balcony with my laptop on my lap, trying to bring my thoughts to life. As I put pen to paper, I can only think of three words: Overwhelmed, Anxiety, and Growth. Yes, those three words perfectly capture how I feel right now. These feelings have been my constant companions over the past few weeks. I wish I could tell you all about how I got here, but let’s save that for another blog. PS: I’m still figuring things out, and hopefully, by then, I’ll have more clarity.

image by me

Compiler Cache

As an excited and proud Outreachy intern with Moja Global, I took time to read everything within my reach so I could understand and contribute to my project to the best of my ability. One term that kept coming up was Compiler Cache. Out of curiosity, before reading this blog, did you know what Compiler Cache is? Or perhaps Ccache? If you do, big ups to you! But if you don’t, well, I’m going to slice and dice it for you so that by the end of this blog, you’ll know all about it.

image from the Internet

What does Compiler Cache mean?

Ccache stands for Compiler Cache. It’s a tool that helps speed up the recompilation process by caching previous compilations and reusing the results. Imagine you’ve compiled your code before — Ccache checks if the same compilation has already been done and stored in its cache. If it has, Ccache uses the cached result instead of performing the compilation again, saving a lot of time.

At first, I tried to infer its meaning from the context within the documentation, but it wasn’t clear enough. I then turned to search engines and specific resources related to software development and open-source projects.

Resources that helped me understand Ccache

Through my search, I found several valuable resources:
- Ccache official website
- GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) documentation
- Stack Overflow discussions on Ccache
- Articles and tutorials on software development blogs

These resources provided a range of explanations, from technical documentation to community-driven insights.

Reaching out for help

I was hesitant to ask my mentor about the term. To my surprise, as if she could read my mind, she decided to share links to more materials that I could use for the project. Among those links was one resource that extensively explained what Ccache is. My hesitation came from a fear of seeming uninformed or inexperienced, especially since Ccache is a common tool in many development environments. This not only clarified my understanding but also made me feel more comfortable with the concept.

image from the internet

Advice for those worried about asking questions

Asking questions is a crucial part of the learning process, I now know this better. Everyone starts somewhere, and even experienced professionals were once beginners. Embrace your questions — they are stepping stones to becoming a more knowledgeable and confident contributor.

My journey to understanding Compiler Cache (Ccache) was initially marked by confusion and hesitation. However, through research, asking questions, and community support, I gained clarity and confidence. I cannot wait to use Ccache for all my projects going forward. We learn , we apply , we move. Thank you for reading , I will be writing again soon :)

