15+ Great Interview Questions to Ask to Get a Job

Steven Dzierzanowski
5 min readFeb 12, 2019


You have applied for a job, got a call to attend an interview, and it goes great. Finally, you feel that this might be your chance to land a job. Then, you are told we will get back to you. But like other job prospects before, you never get a callback.

So, what could you be doing wrong? One of the most essential, yet often overlooked, aspects of an interview is the questions that you ask the hiring manager. They show the interviewer whether you are prepared to take on the new position or not. In almost every interview you will attend, the interviewer will ask “do you have any questions for me” at the end of the meeting.

You must research the company and prepare questions to ask the interviewer so that you are not left dumbfounded.

In this article, you will learn what to ask about in an interview and samples of best interview questions to ask that you can tailor to the specific job interviews.

Questions to Ask About the Position During the Job Interview

The first thing you should ask about is what the job you are interviewing for entails. Always have questions prepared in advance regardless of the type of interview. Here are some good questions to ask in an interview to show your interest in the job opening:

  • What is the next stage of your recruitment process?
  • How long is your company’s hiring process?
  • Who would be my direct reporting manager or supervisor in this role?
  • What can you tell me concerning the job that is not listed in the job description?
  • What are the most vital skills to have to succeed in this job?
  • What would be my primary duties and day-to-day routine in this role?

Avoid yes and no question. Good questions to ask interviewer are those that require detailed responses.

Questions to Ask an Interviewer About the Company

You can ask the employer questions about their company. These will show that you are eager to join their team and concerned about the success of the company. Check out some great questions to ask in an interview about the company:

  • Could you tell me more about the work and company culture?
  • What are the growth prospects for a person in this job within the company?
  • What could you say is the best thing about working in this company?
  • What are the new developments in the company that is not yet made public?
  • What can you tell me about the company’s management style?

Questions to Ask an Interviewer About the Team You May Work With

It is also good to ask about the group you will be working with directly if you do get the job to show enthusiasm. Furthermore, you will have an idea of what to expect from the new role. Examples of questions to ask the interviewer about the team include:

  • How is the team I will be working with structured?
  • Do members of my team prefer to work independently or collaboratively?
  • What are the daily tools of communication within the team?
  • How regularly does my team meet up as a group?
  • What are the skills that are not there in the current team that you are hoping to get by adding a new member?
  • What departments does the team closely cooperate with?

Best Interview Questions to Ask to Show Your Admirable Qualities

As an interviewee, there is that one thing that you feel is most impressive about your qualities. You could ask intelligent questions that draw the interview to it once more to reinforce your suitability for the role. Excellent questions to ask a potential employer to achieve this include:

  • Is there anything else you would like me to tell you about myself to assist you in making your decision?
  • What would I need to advance within this job or company?
  • What would you say are top achievements for a person working in this role in a year or so?
  • How does company management measure performance in this particular role?
  • Could you tell me about any special projects that I would be working on when I take up the position?
  • What kind of technologies and processes are related to the job?

Break down broader questions, if you have them, and ask one at a time to get more specific responses.

Interview Questions to Ask About the Company’s Current Challenges

To show how you can add value to the company when hired, prepare questions touching on the company’s everyday struggles and their competition. This way, you get a chance to show how you are going to help the company fix them. Here are some of the best questions to ask employers on these:

  • May I ask the reasons why the last hire left the position?
  • What are the everyday problems that a person in this role is expected to solve?
  • What competitors is the company most worried about?
  • What is the biggest problem or change that the company has had to deal with in the recent past?
  • How would my role in the company help to improve my team performance?

Don’t Questions to Ask After an Interview: Avoid These

While we have looked at excellent questions to ask in a job interview, there are some questions that you should never ask the hiring manager during the interview. Be careful about how you ask questions about the salary, benefits, and promotions — don’t make them too obvious.

Here are some examples of no-no questions to ask the interviewer:

  • How have I performed in the interview?
  • Have I got the job?
  • What benefits can I expect to get?
  • When should I expect your call?
  • How soon can I ask for a vacation after starting the job?

Generally, avoid questions that all about yourself as opposed to the interests of the employer and don’t tire the interviewer with too many questions. Pick a couple of questions from this list and ace your interview.



Steven Dzierzanowski

I`m a marketing manager at SaaS Company. Like to discover new things, share career insights, interested in AI technologies.