Celebrities who made incredible career changes

Steven Dzierzanowski
3 min readApr 4, 2018


Most likely it won’t be much of a surprise to you that some Hollywood celebrities weren’t famous from the birth. Yes, they all have done normal job as the majority of people. They also have been forced to work a lot to gain their living and they seized each of the job opportunities, even the low-paid. So what celebs did before they were famous? We have prepared the top career transformation of Hollywood stars so let’s find out right now.

Here are people who changed their lives and became celebrities eventually:

1.Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is actually one of the most high-paid actors in the world. According to Forbes data he even surpassed Robert Downey Junior. “Fast and the Furious” and “San Andreas” starring actor decided to switch jobs in the past. Before he became a movie star and action hero he was actively involved in sports. He played football and even was a part of a national championship team. His football career has finished because of the serious injury of a shoulder and back. After getting the injury he started his wrestling career at television. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson won the WWE heavyweight title six times. One day he got a call with a proposition to host “Saturday Night Live.” He accepted the offer and that’s how his TV and movie career started.

2. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Austria but came to the United States in 1968 and became one of the most known bodybuilders in the country. He is a 5-time winner of Mr. Universe title and 7-time winner of Mr. Olympia title. He drastically switched career and in 1976, he won a Golden Globe Award for “Best Acting Debut for his role in a movie “Stay Hungry.” In 1984 he actually gained his superstar status by playing in “The Terminator”. Over his acting career he starred in 20 movies. After it he changed his job once again and become a politician and governor.

3. Harrison Ford

It would probably be a big surprise but Harrison Ford was a carpenter for 15 years. Harrison Ford was very lucky to find the job at a producer named George Lucas. Ford was building cabinets for movies. The producer gave Ford a small role in “American Graffiti”. It was a really life-transforming time in actor’s life — he was in the right place and in the right time.

4. Whoopi Goldberg

Before she started her career as an actress, Whoopi Goldberg had made a couple of career changes. She has performed a variety of jobs such as hairstylist and even a bricklayer. A woman confessed that she has been even working as a phone sex operator because she got some good money there. Whoopi has once accepted an offer at morgue to do makeup and hair for deceased people. As you can see she paid her price to eventually find her vocation and became a famous actress who played in Star Trek.

Now you know that it takes a lot of time, efforts and most importantly courage to succeed. Don’t be afraid to change careers and improve your professional life now. You have everything you need in order to become a professional in your dream field. These Hollywood stars are supposed to be your motivation. Believe in yourself and you will definitely make all your career dreams come true.

Good luck!



Steven Dzierzanowski

I`m a marketing manager at SaaS Company. Like to discover new things, share career insights, interested in AI technologies.