How to Choose a Career When You Have Many Interests

Steven Dzierzanowski
4 min readApr 10, 2019


Take a Personality Test for Job to Determine Suitable Options

«I don’t know what to do with my life; I love doing a lot of things.» Many young adults face this predicament at the point of joining the world of employment, and it’s alright. With a variety of interests cultivated by taking multiple subjects in school, it becomes problematic to confine your career options to one or two.

As a young person who is ready to enter the job market, you will often ask yourself, “what should my career be?” Given the weight of the matter, you will have to make some tough decisions. Some of your cherished interests will have to go to the bottom of the list while those down there replace them at the top. However, if you choose a suitable career, it will be possible for you to partake in two or three things you love doing on the side.

That said, let us now help you understand how to find a career when you have multiple interests.

Take a Personality Test for Job to Determine Suitable Options

Taking personality tests online can help you determine the jobs that are most appropriate for you. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, for example, can help you learn more about yourself thus enabling you to use the results to your advantage when job hunting.

The trick to picking a suitable career when you have many interests is to find your calling. Take time, go far and wide so that you can discover what truly interests/ motivates you. Make a point of taking as many personality tests as possible to identify your aptitudes. Also, take time to ponder on the positions these tests suggest for you.

Follow a Career Path That Offers Professional Development

Follow a Career Path That Offers Professional Development

Seeing as you are someone with multiple interests, you won’t be content unless you continually come about new things and learn different skills while on the job. For this reason, you will have to find a company that supports professional development.

So, when conducting your job search, be sure to take note of how the companies you are considering approach career development. Given your curiosity, you will have to find an organization that allows you to learn skills and things even if they are not directly related to the position you want.

Find Your Dream Job in an Industry You Love

Your college major does not have to limit the choice of industries you can work in. Throughout your education, you have picked up on an array of fantastic transferrable skills that can come in handy when considering careers that are not directly related to your major.

Scrutinize your industries of choice and think outside the box to determine how your unique experience can be useful. Then, try to get a career where your skills and qualifications can come in handy. For instance, if you love traveling and happened to study software engineering, you can work in a company that takes on projects in different locations such that you get to move around.

Try Finding the Right Career in a Firm That Allows Collaboration

Try Finding the Right Career in a Firm That Allows Collaboration

Taking up a position in a company that allows collaboration across various departments is a sure way to satisfy your love for different things. Working in such an environment will enable you to come about new things even if they are not part of your job description.

To find out if an organization allows for cross-departmental engagements, contact some of its current workers and inquire if teamwork is practiced in their workplace. Also, make a point of finding out how involved the employees are in these cross-departmental activities.

Give Yourself Some Time for Figuring Out a Career

It is a given that you can’t decide on a career because you enjoy doing an array of things. So, instead of getting yourself into a job that suffocates you, take time to ponder on all possible options. Doing this will help you determine a career that fulfils your desire for multi-interest work. And lest we forget, taking time to get career help from industry experts can also enable you to find the right job.

In conclusion, doing what we have highlighted here will get you dream job no matter your multiple interests and talents. However, remember that there is more to a job search. To ensure successful applications, use trusted resume services to create excellent CVs that show your unique skills and qualifications for any jobs out there.



Steven Dzierzanowski

I`m a marketing manager at SaaS Company. Like to discover new things, share career insights, interested in AI technologies.