Some See A Fat Kid…

Skratch Labs
2 min readMar 5, 2016


Do people see you differently than you see yourself?

Do you ever feel something special inside of you that only you feel?

F. Scott Fitzgerald once said that the test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in one’s head and still retain the ability to function. One may see that their situation is hopeless, but still work to make it better.

So when some see a fat kid, I see an athlete with extra fuel.

When some see a fat kid, I see an athlete who needs help.

When some see a fat kid, I see an athlete with untapped legacy.

The genetic traits that predispose someone to be fat in modern society are the same traits that would’ve made that person a king, queen, or survivor 1000 years ago.

They are the same traits that make great athletes — that make true champions.

All the things inside of you that no one else can see or feel, all the things that give you that rare chance for greatness, are the things that can also be your demise when life is too comfortable.

So don’t be comfortable in your life.

Move, jump, run, ride, sweat, burn, swim, throw, lift and chase for the rest of your life.

Choose to suffer. Choose to be great and let everyone see.

Some see a fat kid, we just see an athlete.



Skratch Labs

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