Skycoin: Community Video Contest Results

Published in
4 min readJun 23, 2018


Two months ago we launched our very first Skycoin Community Video Contest. We are proud to announce we received over 30 admirable entries in the competition for prizes consisting of 1337 SKY and 3 Skyminers. Check them out below and prepare to be amazed.

The Submissions

When we launched this contest we wanted to see how creative and eloquent our Skyfleet could be, and we were not disappointed. We truly enjoyed watching, assessing and reviewing all the videos that were submitted. All submissions instilled a sense of pride and gratitude within our team for the amazing community we have, and we want to personally thank every community member who submitted a video.

The Voting

Voting was completed by employees of Skycoin as well as core community members. Only one consensus was reached between all voters: deciding on the winners was incredibly tough. In many cases, voting was so close that ties had to be resolved with extra rounds of voting. If you would like a reminder of the voting criteria, you may read our launch article here.

The Winners

Without further adieu, we are delighted to announce our seven winners for our first ever Skyfleet Community Video Contest:

7th Place: Flycon Prize: 70 SKY

With smooth transitions and an even smoother narrative, Flycon displayed an excellent understanding of all aspects of the Skycoin Project. We especially enjoyed the Bitcoin vs. Ethereum vs. Skycoin comparisons throughout the video. Well done Flycon!

6th Place: Everything Tangle @everythingtangle Prize: 70 SKY

When explaining a solution, one must first introduce the problem, and Everything Tangle did a fantastic job with that. The issues Skycoin tackles were succinctly explained, and the Obelisk and Skywire descriptions were relevant and simple to understand. Congratulations Everything Tangle!

5th Place: Ian Dunross @Victor_Dessov Prize: 70 SKY

Impressive visuals and animation coupled with a sound understanding of Fiber led to a pleasing explanation of how Skycoin’s Fiber works and compares to other blockchains. The mesmerizing yet straightforward progressive laser background worked exceptionally well with the futuristic music provided. Thank you Ian Dunross!

4th Place: 8Bitape Prize: 70 SKY

This was the only submission with a Top 10 structure and the pace to match! 8Bitape provided a clear video structure with slick high-speed animations which kept us interested at all times. By combining clear explanations with fast-paced visuals, 8Bitape succeeded in packing the video with information whilst still keeping it interesting. Enjoy your prize 8Bitape!

3rd Place: The Sort of Truth @MisterOwl Prize: 150 SKY and 1 Skyminer

“But if we are reaching…Let’s reach for the Sky” sums up MisterOwl’s encouraging submission. Opting for a baritone narrative with jazzy undertones and glossy animation, MisterOwl provided comprehensive coverage of all the aspects of Skycoin ranging from Coin Hours to Skycoin’s programming language. What was most impressive, however, was how the narrative flowed from topic to topic without a lapse in fluency. Congratulations on achieving top 3 MisterOwl!

2nd Place: Chase Stern @CRISPIXY Prize: 300 SKY and 1 Skyminer

Our 2nd place winner tops our originality category as Chase Stern opted away from an animated video and instead chose to sketch out his accompanying designs carefully. Being able to watch Chase draw out and depict his visual connotations of the narrative added a refreshing personal touch which can often be lost with digital animation. Combining this with an informative dialogue led to a creative and unique submission which was equally entertaining. Enjoy your 300 SKY and Skyminer Chase!

1st Place: Chris Allison Prize: 607 SKY and 1 Skyminer

Our top submission was one which ticked all the boxes. Chris Allison blended an ideal mix of silky animation with easy to understand dialogue. By also including real-life clips, viewers get a chance to see the actual hardware used, which was a nice touch. Juxtaposing blue and red visuals to color-coordinate problems and solutions helps carry viewers through an eloquent description of what Skycoin represents. Huge congratulations to Chris Allison on winning our First Place reward, it is well-deserved.

Thank you to everyone!

Congratulations to everyone who won a prize as they were all thoroughly deserved. We also want to thank all participants and community members who put in extensive amounts of time and effort into making this contest a success. We have been overwhelmed by our Skyfleet’s response to this competition, and it is truly appreciated.

Due to the strong positive response we have received from our Skyfleet we are already looking forward to our next competition which we hope will be even more successful than this one! Stay tuned for more details.

To see all the amazing entries for the first ever Skycoin video competition, check out this playlist we made:

Thank you Skyfleet! Onwards and upwards!




Skycoin is the foundation for a new decentralized internet and the most advanced blockchain application platform in the world.