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More controls for publishing your app in the Slack App Directory

Slack API
Slack Platform Blog
2 min readSep 15, 2016


New App Submission and Review Flow

You’ve worked hard on your app — you should get to decide when it goes out into the world. That’s why we’ve updated the Slack App Directory submission process to give you more control over when you choose to publish your app (once it’s been approved by our team, of course). The submission process now takes place directly on our site and provides you with all the information you need to get your app published quickly.

How it works

Once you’re ready to publish, select your app and then click Submit to App Directory on the left pane of the app configuration page. Here you’ll find a comprehensive checklist with the requirements for publishing (set aside plenty of time to go through it completely). We’ve added this checklist to help you avoid common points of failure we’ve seen in the review process. It’s important to note you won’t be able to make changes to your app after submitting it for review, so check everything at least twice before sending it off.

App Submission Checklist

You’ll receive an email once your app is approved, and it will remain unlisted until you choose to publish it. This way, you’ve got time to plan the full fanfare needed to let the world know your app exists and is ready for use.

App Approval Screen

Updating a published app

Want to update your app to include message buttons or add a new feature? We now automatically create a copy of your published app that you can use to make and test updates in a sandboxed environment. Once you’re ready to push the updated version of your app to users, simply re-submit it for review using the process described above.

Got a question about these changes or building an app that works well with Slack? You can reach our team on Twitter at @SlackAPI or over email at



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