How to play SleeFi closed β test — Official instruction

SleeFi Official
7 min readJul 26, 2022


Closed β will be updated in 8/18, so please wait.

You can follow the instruction up to “2. Sign up” in closed α.

*Screenshots may different from the actual ones.

*This instruction is created before closed β test, and some specification may change.

*We will conduct our closed β test on Testnet (Avalanche Fuji Testnet)
I will update the instruction accordingly, so please follow our announcement.

*Our closed beta test will be available both for iOS and Android users for FREE

  • Users will be able to send maximum of 4AVAX(I will explain this later, but this is FAKE AVAX known as Facet and it has zero value)to the in-app wallet as an initial investment. If you send more than 4AVAX to in-app wallet, it will be considered as cheating and your account will be banned, so be careful. (Numbers might be changing so please be careful, ad watch the announcement.)

(Edit 8/19)

4 AVAX is a transferrable amount from Faucet as of 8/19.

As testers increase and economics expand, the amount of transferrable Fake (test net) AVAX will be modified.

I will announce it according to the situation, so please not miss it.

However, until new announcement is made, the maximum transferrable amount is “4AVAX”.

If you send more than 4Fake (test net用)AVAX, it is highly likely that you will get banned so please not do that.

*The numbers are different from the real (open beta) environment due to the restrictions, so please keep that in your mind.

*Closed β test is just a “test” and it is not the same as open beta.

0. Please register yourself in our Discord.

Once you get “beta tester” role in discord, please go to this link and find a google form link from here 👇

In the google form, you will submit your

①Mail address (anything is fine)

②Discord ID

Following is actual flow how to play our beta test.

*If you already downloaded closed α, please delete the app first.

1–1.Download closed β app (iOS)

The steps to download our closed β app are different between for iOS and Android users.

Let me explain the procedure for iOS first.

Download TestFlight

Please download TestFlight first.

Go to the AppStore, and if you search for “TestFlight” you will find the app.

So please download it first.

・Access the link

1-2. Download closed β app (Android)

Next I will explain the procedure on Android app.

・Access the link

・Download the App

from the link, you will be able to download the app.

2. Sign Up

Please press the SleeFi app icon on your smartphone after you download the app.

And this will be the initial screen you will see.

Please press “Sign up” button first.

You will see this screen.

So please enter the same email address as you “Submitted in the Google Form”

*We are restricting access to only the users who are registered so.

And after you enter your email address in the blank above, please press “send code”.

You will get a verification code (6 digits)in a few seconds so please check your email, and enter the numbers.

Then, press “Sign up”.

*It will be better to leach check mark, “Receive News Letters” so that you will not miss our important information.

Then, you will see this screen.

But for the closed β you don’t need to enter activation code, so just press “Start”.

Then you will see this screen so please put your favorite passcodes.

Then press “Save.”

You will see these screens, so just press “Allow”.

If you reach this screen, you are successful with Sign-up and Log-in to SleeFi app, congratulations👏

3. Create the in-app wallet

Next, please create wallet in closed beta.

Please press the AVAX logo (upper-right corner) first.

Then, you will see this screen.

Once you see this screen, please press “Wallet” button next to “Spending”.

*Currently, it is Spending

Then, you will see this screen.

Please press “Create a new wallet”.

Please proceed.

Next, you need to create your passcode.

It should be 6 digits.

Then, your in-app wallet is created successfully!!


After that, you will see this screen.

So, let’s move on the next step✨

4. Please check your seed phrase

After you created in-app wallet, you will see this screen.

Please press “Click here to check seed phrase”.

(You will need seed phrase to recover your in-app wallet information.)

Pleas “PRESS AND HOLD TO REVEAL” button, and your seed phrases will appear.


If you lose your seed phrases, you will not be able to recover your wallet info.

This is a closed β test, but it will be critical in our open beta.
You will lose your real money.

5. Send FAKE AVAX (Faucet) to in-app wallet

Now, let’s send FAKE AVAX to the SleeFi in-app wallet.

*(They are not real and has zero value)

Please open the in-app wallet.

Currently, there is only 0 Fake AVAX.

Then, press “Receive”.

Then you will see this screen, so please just press “Copy Address”.

Now let’s send fake AVAX to your wallet.

Please access to this site.

You will see this screen.

Please confirm it says,

Select Network: Fuji (C-Chain)

Select Token: AVAX

Then, please enter your copied in-app wallet address.

Then, please just press “REQUEST 2 AVAX”

If Transaction ID appears, you will be fine👍

Now, let’s go back to in-app wallet and check if you really get your Fake AVAX.

Yes!! You got your FAKE AVAX in your wallet 😎

So next, let’s play SleeFi actually!!

I will update other sections later, so please stay tuned🙇‍♂️

As I explain in the beginning, users will be able to send maximum of 4AVAX (FAKE AVAX) to the in-app wallet as an initial investment. If you send more than 4AVAX to in-app wallet, it will be considered as cheating and your account will be banned, so be careful.

(Edit 8/16)

4 AVAX is a transferrable amount from Faucet as of 8/19.

As testers increase and economics expand, the amount of transferrable Fake (test net) AVAX will be modified.

I will announce it according to the situation, so please not miss it.

However, until new announcement is made, the maximum transferrable amount is “4AVAX”.

If you send more than 4 Fake (test net用)AVAX, it is highly likely that you will get banned so please not do that.

And don’t send your real AVAX to the wallet🙏

Maybe it will be better if you can prepare these!

Please look forward to our closed β test😎



SleeFi Official

SleeFi is a revolutionary Web3 sleep application. Let us bring your sleep to a whole new level.