Rare Bed Event additional guide: How to participate in Discord invitation category?

SleeFi Official
3 min readJan 19, 2024


I will now share the details regarding the “Rare Bed Event Discord Invite Division” that was recently announced.


🚨Invitation links can be generated once you have been assigned the event role.

🚨Links will be able to create from January 23 (planned). Count will start from 1/23 as well.


✅ There is a limit to the number of links that can be generated. ・ If the invitation links reach the limit, we may remove links from participants with fewer and non-changing invitations. If you wish to rejoin, please create a new link. ・ Also, if the links reach the maximum limit and new links cannot be generated, it may take some time to resolve.

✅ Please use only one invitation link per person. If we observe multiple links being generated, we will remove duplicate links. (The link with the highest number of invitations at that time will be retained.)

✅ If you have the Inviter role and have already issued a link, you can continue to use that link. However, with the start of this event, the number of invitations is set to zero. (Snapshots are taken, so after the event ends, the number of invitations before the start of the Rare Bed Event plus the number of invitations during the event will be counted and granted as part of the invitation event.)

✅ We will strictly deal with any misconduct, such as using bots. If any misconduct is detected, there may be actions taken, including expulsion from the event. We ask for fair participation in the event.

✅Please put the URL of your platform using to invite on the Discord profile. (Twitter, YouTube, etc…)

Or share your posts on Discord so that we can understand which platform you are using.

How to Generate an Invitation Link

You can create an invitation link in the 🚨rule-and-verify channel.

To create an invitation link (on PC), click the “👤+” icon located on the right of the channel.

Link settings

We recommend generating a link with the following settings:

Expiration: Never Expire Max Uses: No Limit

If you set an expiration date or a maximum use limit, participants may not be able to join via that link after a certain number of uses or after a certain time limit has passed. In such cases, you would need to generate a new invitation link.

Checking Your Invitation Count

You can check your current number of invitations in the #invite-tracking channel.

You can check your current number of invitations by sending


in this channel. Additionally, there will be periodic announcements of the top invitation counts during the event.



SleeFi Official

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