Sloppy Armando
1 min readJul 11, 2017


Woah, I can see you foaming at the mouth from here. You’re making assumptions that are way off. First off, I never remotely implied I’m OK with a “FASCIST POLICE state”.

Second, I’m a first generation American whose parents came here illegally and still have family members who are undocumented, so don’t presume to tell me what I fear and don’t fear.

Third, I wouldnt support Sanders running in 2020. He wasn’t able to beat Hillary, who wasn’t able to beat Trump. Running either of those 2016 candidates in 2020 will mean a second term for Trump or Pence (if Trump gets impeached). So much for being a “Bernie bro”.

Lastly, its so telling that you seem to believe that people of color or Latinos like myself are going to start being targeted under Trump. The police were always fascist and Democrats have done nothing to fix it. In fact, it was Bill Clinton who unleashed the police state on people of color to appease conservative “tough on crime” Democrats. There’s no reason to believe Hillary Clinton would be any different when she was cheerleading his effort and never apologized for all of the harm it continues to do today.

