Slough rated as the UK’s top place to work

James Swindlehurst
2 min readSep 22, 2017


It may be a surprise to some but its no surprise to us that Slough has been voted the best place in the UK to work

We have some of biggest names in the world operating in Slough and have more European headquarters than Scotland and Ireland combined.

But with Brexit around the corner, and the concerning revelations that 10,000 European health workers have already left the NHS since we voted to leave, we need to invest in the next generation and close the chronic skills gap that has blighted our country for too long.

Part of closing that gap relies on having a world class eduction system. Slough residents benefit from some of the best schools in the country. But that could be disrupted – the new schools funding formula dramatically cuts funding for our schools.

I am already receiving reports of schools asking parents to make up the shortfall and pay for items that used to be provided.

So I was taken back to hear a local Tory councillor claim that the cuts to education are making no difference to those pupils who are ‘naturally intelligent.’ Well what about those who aren’t as gifted but with the right support work hard to achieve above and beyond their potential. We should not have an education system thats leaves pupils behind.

These cuts to our children's future are planned at around £12 million, this goes on top of cuts to our maintained nurserys of up to 50% and a 40% cut to adult education since 2010.

As a council we are committed to making Slough a great place for everyone – we want our young people to get a great education in Slough and move onto fulfilling and rewarding careers in the town.

That’s why we are so proud of our apprenticeship programme which has given many of our towns youngsters their first taste of work – last year we had record numbers of graduates.

So, yes its great news Slough is so highly thought of, but I want to see us at the top of the list for years to come, because if we are that means our people are being presented with the opportunities they deserve, need and want.

And education is the silver bullet to ensure this happens, so we should be investing in our future, not cutting back.

What do you think? Let me know & have a great weekend.




James Swindlehurst

A blog by the Leader of Slough Borough Council - Cllr James Swindlehurst. - all post before 27/11 from previous Leader