Android Developer Toolbox

Command line tools, documentation, text editors + more.

Small Planet
Mobile UX Tools
1 min readNov 6, 2018


Are you looking for detailed, up-to-date Android documentation and examples?

We created a developer toolbox, available as a shared google sheet with shortcuts to:

  • Command line tools
  • Resources for building, documentation + VCS
  • Text editors, plugins + Logcat viewers
  • Libraries such as Timber, Retrofit, RxAndroid + others
  • Slack channels and Twitter handles

We update this list often, and it’s open to everyone. Anything you’d like to add? Let us know!


Javier Moreno Aleman is a Senior Developer at Small Planet. His areas of expertise are game development, Android and Unity.

Tammy Tyberg is a Developer at Small Planet and has worked on a range of media, health, and data aggregation projects. She also collects programming memes.



Small Planet
Mobile UX Tools

Experts in UX, mobile products, and streaming services.