Mobile App Accessibility Toolbox

Guidelines, Checklists, Principles, and Testing.

Small Planet
NYC Design
1 min readSep 10, 2018


Whether you’re simply trying to understand what exactly “accessible” means — or you’re wondering how to incorporate accessible practices into your design and development process — there’s a host of information, resources, and tools out there that can help.

It can all be a bit overwhelming, so we curated some of our favorite links into this accessibility toolbox, available as a shared google sheet which includes links to:

  • Apple and Android accessibility features and guidelines
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, plus an interactive version of a slightly older WCAG 2.0 that features filtering capabilities
  • Excellent examples of existing accessibility guidelines and checklists from companies such as Mozilla and BBC
  • Inclusive Design Principles
  • Mobile Testing Guide for Android & iOS
  • Various useful tools for ensuring proper color and text contrast, including Sketch plugins and websites such as the WebAIM Color Contrast Checker

Plus a lot more. We update this list regularly, and it’s open to everyone. Anything interesting you’d like to add? Let us know!

Isar Chang is a Senior Designer at Small Planet and alum of @RITtigers. She’s a mobile UX nerd who enjoys lettering, bad jokes, and trying to pet as many dogs as possible.



Small Planet
NYC Design

Experts in UX, mobile products, and streaming services.