Explained Easily: Blockchain games, what are they?

Small Bites of Crypto_Currents
3 min readNov 30, 2022

NB: Blockchain, Strictly for Lazy Beginners

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

Table of Content:

  • Introduction
  • What is Blockchain Technology
  • What are Blockchain Games
  • History of Blockchain Games
  • Examples of Blockchain Games


Our introduction to Blockchain Games was quite interesting. October 14th, 2021, was the day we became close and personal with the Blockchain Gaming world.

A token we randomly farmed on Pancakeswap had gone from 10$ to 200$ overnight. This Token was named SPS (it is the native Token of the Splinterland game). This prompted us to search for what exactly SPS was about.

Dear readers, that was how we stumbled into the world of BLOCKCHAIN GAMES.

What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain means connected blocks. These blocks contain data that can never be edited or deleted. These connected blocks are stored on a ledger. This ledger is distributed over a network of computers (nodes).

This shows why blockchain technology is referred to as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).

A Smart Art simply Describing Blockchain Technology Illustrated by Illinto&Dicinto

For example, Mr. A writes an exam and scores 10, his score is referred to as data and it is recorded. If Mr. A can bribe his lecturer this score can be upgraded. On the blockchain, this is impossible. Data stored on a blockchain can never be edited or deleted.

The ledger is distributed across multiple computers (nodes) located all over the world. The power of authority over these ledgers belongs to these multiple computers hence the name decentralization.

The data in each ledger are synced. Before any data can be updated, it must be approved by the multiple computers (nodes) holding the distributed ledgers.

Now that we have briefly explained blockchain technology, the next question is:

What are Blockchain Games?

Blockchain games are games built using blockchain technology. These games are almost like traditional games, but with a big twerk, they possess characteristics of blockchain technology: Decentralization.

Decision-making concerning these sorts of games belongs to the players, not the game developers. Players can use their earnings not only in the gaming environment but also outside the gaming environment.

Blockchain games provide a fun and friendly environment for newbies in the blockchain space to learn and experience the blockchain world.

Blockchain games are also known as crypto games. This is so because players of blockchain games earn tokens (cryptocurrencies) and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).

If you have read this far, you would be interested in the history of Blockchain games.

History of Blockchain Games

How did blockchain gaming begin?

The name of the first blockchain game is Cryptokitties. It was created in November 2017. Cryptokitties is a game built on the Ethereum blockchain. This game allows players to buy, collect, breed, own, and sell virtual cats.

Blockchain games gained worldwide popularity on September 2021, when AXS$ tokens belonging to Axie Infinity, a blockchain-based game, moved from about 6$ to about 50$ in price.

Cryptokitties started an evolution of various blockchain games, such as:

Examples of Blockchain Games

  • Decentraland
  • Gods Unchained
  • Splinterlands
  • The Sandbox
  • DeFi Kingdom
  • CryptoPets
  • Blankos Block Party
  • Summoners Arena
  • Upland
  • My Neighbor Alice

Phew, this is a wrap for today. We hope you enjoyed your journey into the Blockchain game world.

Did you have a good time in the blockchain world? Tap the follow button to see more of these simple blockchain-related articles.

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Small Bites of Crypto_Currents

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