platform report

8 min readSep 15, 2017


Dear users, the team apologizes for the lack of news on the project and hurries to provide up-to-date information about the work that had been carried out and further plans.

We managed to do a lot of work on technical and visual improvement, as well as to develop a plan for further promotion of the project taking into account the latest trends, current indicators and deficiencies.

In order to move to a new stage of development and reach higher quantitative and market indicators, the team has attracted outside experts to build the most optimal strategy for the project development taking into account the current indicators and the situation in the industry market.

Over 80% of the development plan completed — one of the few blockchain-projects that just in six months of its existence fulfilled the submitted road map by 80%. Of the 15 tasks set at the very beginning of the platform launch, at the moment there are already 12 implemented:

  • current game prototype “European Roulette” for Mainnet Ethereum was developed and launched;
  • internal testing of the game was made;
  • issue of RLT token was implemented;
  • paid advertising announcements and banners on Internet resources of “gambling” and “crypto-currencies” subjects were placed for attraction of the first players;
  • game functionality was comprehensively tested and improved using the experience of players and crypto enthusiasts;
  • time of a random number generation was reduced to 20–40 seconds;
  • payment of dividends to holders of RLT tokens is organized;
  • system of “bounty” (rewards) for the initial promotion of the game was organized;
  • ICO was organized and held;
  • affiliate program that ensures a constant influx of new players was launched;
  • the second version of the roulette that doesn’t require the installation of additional plug-ins and extensions was developed;
  • RLT tokens was listed on exchanges.

To complete the implementation of the original development strategy, the work is being done in three areas:

  • Testing and launching the dividend distribution model on an ongoing basis to ensure a decent level of dividends for RLT token holders.

Testing the new functionality using the blockchain roulette balance begins on September, 12th.

  • Realization of the ability to play with ethers without any transaction fees based on the Win-Win roulette.
  • Development of brand-new animated 3D game design with sound and visual effects.

We took into account the needs of our players and the trends of the modern gaming technology market to improve the usability of the current game version, and to create the maximum site usability for mobile users, the current number of which is 10% of the total share.

An optimal development technologies stack that will bring 3D graphics to the game and save fast performance even on mobile devices has been found.

For the purpose of prompt and high-quality implementation of tasks that mentioned above, held a tender between the major development and design teams in the online games market. To participate in the completion of the first stage of the project development, a team with the optimal combination of experience and cost was chosen.

Market and forecasts

According to the schedule posted on in the context of the annual report on online gambling market volumes, only in 2017 the growth in the volume of the global online games industry amounted to $ 5.34 billion or 12.78% of the total market share, which is almost double growth rates for 2016.

According to the forecasts of financial analysts, the annual market volume will increase to $59.79 billion by 2020. This means that the number of online casino players will grow along with the need for a quality entertainment service that meets the standards of the gaming industry.

Solution Relevance

Most of the players find new solutions that allow you to get more fun and benefits from the gameplay. In place of ordinary online casinos come blockchain technologies, radically changing the idea of gambling.

For any player, the question of fair gameplay, which excludes the possibility of fraud on the side of the casino, is in the first place, because only in this way you can expect the receivement of a prize that depends solely on user skill and luck. Thanks to the new technology of blockchain and smart contracts, the deception of the player is completely excluded, which means that the development of this direction will be accompanied by a massive transfer of online players to casinos built on the basis of blockchain technologies.

Given that most of the gaming audience who want to give their choice to an honest casino is not familiar with the crypto currency market, we developed an additional version of roulette that does not require registration in the system and installation of any third-party extensions. To date, more than 1,000,000 bids have been made by players in both versions of the developed roulette. Current statistics show that the created solution is in demand and effective in the modern gambling market.

Current problems and their solutions

Due to the fact that the first stage of development of the project is not yet completed, the rate of RLT tokens is low in relation to real values. Like many investors, we believe that the current price of token is significantly understated and is a consequence of the following factors:

  • Project financing and access to exchange

The implementation of complex technical tasks that are not included in the original development plan required significant financial costs from the founders of The main complicating factor was the listing on Bittrex exchange, for the implementation of which the dividend distribution structure was completely redesigned. In addition to the cost of technical work, about $ 12,000 was spent on legal due diligence and verification of compliance with US law. Unfortunately, despite all the requirements and due to the current ban on participation in ICO for US residents, the addition of RLT token to Bittrex exchange did not take place for reasons beyond our control.

Funds collected on ICO were distributed in accordance with the established plan:

In order to finance the project, external partners, who will take advantage of the developed solutions in the sphere of their activities, are being connected.

  • Suspension of dividend payment

At the moment, has already paid eight dividend payments for a total of 467 ETH ($ 135,430). The suspension of payments was caused by the need to change the system of dividend distribution and the transition to a new model of payment of funds in the form of platform tokens in accordance with the requirements of Bittrex. Prolonged negotiations and the process of adding token, as well as the development of a new game, made it impossible to pay dividends in the appropriate period of time.

To resume dividend payments, starting from September 12, testing of a new token distribution model begins with the participation of the blockchain roulette balance and further payment of dividends on an ongoing basis.

  • Main bounty campaigns completion

Completion of all the major bounty programs of the project, through which it was possible to create a positive growth in activity and the percentage of users involved, as well as to raise the platform’s recognition for the target audience of users, was an additional factor in reducing the rate of token due to mass withdrawals of bounty tokens.

Strategy for further development

Statistics that is given above clearly shows the relationship between the launch of advertising in combination with technical refinement and the growth of players’ bets, thanks to which there is an accumulation of funds for the subsequent payment of dividends.

To increase the activity of the audience for the next months, the following activities have been developed:

  • Realization of the ability to play with ethers without any transaction fees based on the Win-Win roulette.
  • Collaboration with popular YouTube bloggers to massively attract new players.
  • Completion and expansion of the partnership program to increase the partners network.
  • Launching bounty promotions to create mass advertising.
  • Placing of commercial press releases and reviews in English, Chinese, Spanish, Turkish.
  • Placement of training video for new users.
  • Launching a monthly prize drawing program between the best players of SmartRoulette.
  • Carrying out the stage of A-testing, in which all users of the system will take part at will.

Latest updates publishes a list of the latest updates made to improve the usability and quality of the game process:

  • Network Ropsten (Testnet) was restored

At the moment, free game mode is available, in which you can get 1 ETH to test the game functionality and its effectiveness.

  • Interface was significantly simplified to improve the usability of its use by new players.
  • Calculation of the required amount of gas to send the transaction was extremely accurate.
  • Soundtrack was added.
  • Information banners and training videos, clearly showing the benefits of participation in the platform and the algorithm for its use were added.
  • Some changes have been made in the game design, including the addition of new ones and the modification of previously added elements, in order to increase the usability and attractiveness of the game process.
  • Minor bugs that occurred earlier in the game were fixed.

To work with players, investors and partners, team has created this special blog in which the latest updates and project reports will be published.

