Smart Refinery Technologies
2 min readJun 21, 2018


Yesterday we took part in one of the leading events in oil and gas industry.

SRT Goup participate in one of the leading events in oil&gas industry

We want to share with you our thoughts and insights. First of all, thank you organizers for invitation and hi level execution. Numbers are the best judge: more than 600 exhibitors from 35 countries, about 18,500 visitors and more than 200 speakers!

For us this event was fruitful from the perspective of new partners development worldwide

We got a lot of new up to date information about IoT in oil industry, informational and cybersecurity, visited tons of companies and discussed with them new ways of oil refinery industry such as AI and blockchain, got handy feedback on our vision and ecosystem business and tech architecture.

Just if you missed it — our solution for oil refinery market is to develop blockchain&IoT based platform for worldwide ecosystem of small tonnage refineries.

Thanks to these arrangements and some insightful meetings with different tech experts in IoT and blockchain solutions breakthrough news about global partnerships and tech vision updates are coming!

Lets disrupt this huge market with us together — we already started our private tokensale round for early contributors. And just as our little secret — it started very successful;)

Stay tuned!

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Smart Refinery Technologies

Decentralized ecosystem of small tonnage oil refineries based on IIoT and blockchain technologies. Industry 4.0