SRT helps to get rid of pollutions using blockchain: part 2

Smart Refinery Technologies
2 min readSep 10, 2018


In the past few years, an increasing number of people have been thinking about how much humanity affects the environment, and whether this influence is positive. Global warming caused by toxic gas emissions, deforestation and reduction of habitats of many species of wild animals, pollution of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. One of the main environmental problems was a huge amount of debris. Constantly growing, overcrowded landfills, dumping of domestic and industrial wastes and difficulties with their processing are the pressing problems of almost every state in the world.

In the modern world, the problem of environmental pollution is becoming more acute. Throughout Russia, huge, overcrowded landfills ruin natural landscapes. And garbage becomes more and more. Most likely, many years will pass before waste is sorted in Russia according to the type of waste, and this is not only the problem of the authorities, but also the mentality of the entire population.

Initiator of the project — Smart Refinery Technologies Group since 2012 is a developer and supplier of high-tech oil refining equipment for small and medium-sized oil refineries. The company has developed technological processes and equipment based on new generation zeolite catalysts. The proposed equipment enhances the efficiency of small refineries by increasing the depth of oil refining and improving the quality of the products — diesel fuel and gasoline. The model of preferential lease of equipment with payment of license fees for actual volumes of raw materials processing will be used to ensure the rapid development of the network of oil refineries based on SRT Group technologies and equipment. Thus, oil refiners will be able to introduce new processes without risks and start earning profits in a short time, and the company will be able to obtain long-term sources of income in the form of lease and license payments from oil refiners.

Calculations between the participants of the blockchain platform are carried out using SRT-coin tokens. The SRT blockchain platform will provide convenient tools and templates for creating smart contracts, automatic collection of data on equipment operation, settlements and transactions between companies. The architecture of business processes and calculations between the participants of SRT blockchain platform is designed in such a way as to ensure their compliance with the already existing international legislation and the legislation of the countries where economic activity will be carried out, including refining at oil facilities.

This solution will help to solve many problems, such as the complexity of logistics and the high price of fuel in remote regions from large refineries, the poor quality of oil products and, as a result, eco-friendly fuel production.

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Smart Refinery Technologies

Decentralized ecosystem of small tonnage oil refineries based on IIoT and blockchain technologies. Industry 4.0