Top 10 successful ICO projects that chuck away more than 90% of their value.

Smart Refinery Technologies
2 min readAug 16, 2018


In 2018, a decline in the market of cryptocurrencies has been occured, especially in the ICO sector. It is connected not only with the ratio of fiat money to/and the cryptocurrency, but also with the increased percentage of scam projects. We enclose statistics confirming this hypothesis.

According to, in the first two months of 2018, $ 1.36 billion was stolen of the cryptocurrency, with 30 percent of scams. Interesting enough, hacking accounted for only 22 percent.

Now let`s take a look at this chart enclosed in this article.

Among these projects, none were supported by a real asset, all these projects were digital.

From this horrifying statistics, it is necessary to draw the right conclusions. Only projects backed by a REAL SECTOR will be able to increase price and value of there tokens in the long run. Demand from anchor users of tokens will ensure high liquidity, and, as a consequence, a large turnover.

SRT group is implementing an ICO-project backed by a large refinery network that will guarantee stable cash flows. To achieve this goal, a corresponding tokenomics has been developed, which ensures a constant exchange of tokens for fiat money. The growth of the value of the token goes along with the growth of the network of factories and production volumes and sales in this network, which creates a high investment attractiveness.

Unlike most ICOs, SRTcoin is a project from the real sector, provided with real, rather than virtual, assets. The company has technology, licenses, equipment and most importantly — a powerful team of technologists, engineers and managers.



Smart Refinery Technologies

Decentralized ecosystem of small tonnage oil refineries based on IIoT and blockchain technologies. Industry 4.0