7 Networking Tips Everyone Should Use (But Most People Don’t)

3 min readSep 30, 2015

Is networking an art, or a war?

It is a war.

Even though some people might seem more comfortable networking, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are good at it. Being a good networker is not a synonym of being social or being extrovert.

We will present you 7 tips that you can use at any networking event to maximize your potential.

Do your research

Not all networking events are the same. They do not gather the same crowd, so you have to know what you are stepping into.

You can find countless networking events on the web, and it’s a good practice to research different events in your town. Also, look at the attendee list (if available) for you to make an educated guess on which is the best option depending on what you are trying to achieve.

Looking for a new sales job? A tech-focused meet-up might not be the right place for you, but a Chamber of Commerce cocktail party might be the one that you are looking for!

Set up Realistic Goals

It is better to set up realistic goals and exceed them than setting up unachievable goals and panic. Set goals like “make 2 meaningful connections” and stick to it instead of trying to get as many business cards as possible.

Be Genuine

This should be a basic principle of human relationships, but it often forgotten. Focus on the result, not the impression people will get of you. Plus, if new a connection asks for something you oversold, they will find out and it will come back to bite you. Stay real, stay focus, and be yourself!

Add Value First

Regardless of your final goal, you should always try to help others before asking them for help. The idea is for you to create and nurture a network of mutually beneficial connections. The most effective way to do so is to focus on how you can help, rather than how they can help you. Your new connections will remember you if you add value to them. Then they will be willing to offer you a helping hand after you have shown that you would do the same for them!

Be a Good Listener

This one is close to the previous one. Before you can offer your help, you must find out what others may need. Being a good listener can help you identify problems that others are encountering. Do not hesitate to ask more questions as it shows that you care. People love talking about themselves so if you are of a discrete nature, it’s a great way to achieve as much while talking less!

Bring Enough Business Cards

Sometimes it can happen that you run out of business cards, just make sure that you bring enough, so people have an easy way to contact you!


This one will make the difference between an artist networker and a newbie networker. It doesn’t matter if you met 1 or 15 interesting professionals on the last event if you don’t keep in touch with them!

You are better off with 1 meaningful connection than 100 business cards to throw away in a few weeks. The key to successful networking is to keep your network alive once it is created. So, make an effort to follow-up!

Here are our 7 tips to help you grow and nurture your professional network. Any other tips you would like to share with us or any idea why most of you do not apply these basic rules?! Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Download our professional networking app now, and Happy Networking!

Originally published at blog.smartcasual.co on September 4, 2015.

