Smartcasual meets Brice de Matharel

3 min readSep 29, 2015

Meet Brice de Matharel, co-founder of mercurr and one of the early adopters of Smartcasual app. He also has the honour of being the first person closing a meeting with Smartcasual. We interviewed him to talk about his experience using the app:

When and why did you use Smartcasual?

The first time I used Smartcasual was last June 2015 in Paris using their private Beta version.

I’ve been in Hong Kong for one year now and I work at Blueprint coworking space in Quarry Bay area.

I met Smartcasual team because they were developing the app at the same coworking space. My business being based on networking, I got interested in Smartcasual straight away.

I was surprised to find another private beta user in Paris this summer, so I gave it a try and went for a meeting.

Who did you meet through the app?

I met Lionel Jongman thanks to Smartcasual.

Lionel is a Starbucks lover and so we chose one of these coffee shop branches to meet.

Lionel works as Head of New Business Ventures for GreenYellow (a branch company of Groupe Casino).

He has a strong experience in Finance, Sales and Management, as well as a strong startup spirit. We had a really interesting discussion about new business models.

Why were you interested in that professional?

I was really interested in meeting Lionel because of his background.

He does not have a startup background and he is not a potential client, but he has a good experience in company growth and development.

Getting feedback from different people is always valuable and I made the most of Smartcasual to do so.

How long did it take to close your appointment?

It only took me a few seconds to close the appointment as I received a notification from the app when he accepted. It was super easy.

How was the meeting? Are you still in contact with that professional?

The meeting was really nice. It is always exciting to meet new people.

We spent 1 hour talking about new business models and business culture around the world.

We have been in touch a few times since we met.

Has any business (referral, introduction, a sale of your/his products or services, etc…) arise from that meeting?

Yes, one business introduction.

Would you use the app again? Would you recommend it to your colleagues?

I would use the app and I would strongly recommend it to my colleagues.

We would like to thank Brice for his support and feedback during the private beta testing period. We hope he continues adding value to his business with our app.

Download our professional networking app now, and Happy Networking!

