Why Networking Events are Hotter Than Your Summer Vacation

4 min readSep 24, 2015

Building a Strong business network is difficult. Well, no, it’s VERY difficult. Thanks to technologies and services like Eventbrite or Meetup, finding where to go for networking is not an issue anymore. But going to an event, and being happy with your achievement are two different things. A lot of people are afraid of networking events or feel that they are useless, so they focus on online networking only. The truth is that some things are easier done in person.

Face to face networking leaves a better impression than online networking

It might be because only 7% of your message comes from the words you say, or because 55% of it comes from your facial expression. When you want to grow your network it is important to let people know that you care about them and understand that they are important to you. By doing this, you create bonds and tend to earn respect from others, making it more likely to get that extra help when you most need it. Here are some ways that help you leave better impression:

Start and end the conversation with strong handshakes

72% of those surveyed said they were influenced by looks and handshake. Meeting face to face can be the fastest way to build trust. Listening to others with eye contact generates a sense of respect that would take much longer to earn online.


Work on your name cards

A Business card is a physical connection to make both a first and lasting impression. When you receive a business card you are getting hold of a small piece of paper that the other person has dedicated time to complete and design, you are receiving a little bit of his time as a present. And some business cards are real pieces of art!

Business card

When do people prefer face to face meetings?

Growing a network offline has some advantages over growing your network online. Here are some scenarios on which people think face to face meetings are more effective.

When negotiating with people from different languages/cultural backgrounds

Networking involves people, and that includes people from different cultural background speaking different languages. Not everyone is a good native English speaker.

93% of people think it’s better to have offline meetings when it comes to multinational meetings. Non-verbal communication is essential if the two participants don’t speak the same language (or if the language they speak is not their native language). It is a lot easier to understand what someone is trying to say when you see their gestures and not only listen to their voice. What is that saying again? mmm… O yeah, got it! “a gesture is worth a thousand words!!

A picture is worth 1,000 words

When negotiating important contracts

83% of people thinks it’s necessary to meet person offline to sign an important contract. Your looks, the way you walk, if you perspire, your smell.. Everything can be key to gain trust in a negotiation and get that multi-million dollar contract signed.

When interviewing senior staff for key positions

If a company is going to pay good money for a key position, it better makes sure that the person getting it deserves it. 81% of people thinks it’s important to see that person in an interview. You don’t want to have the interviewee searching for the answers on Google when you are not looking 😉

The Boss

When understanding important customers

61% of people think meeting customers requires face to face meeting. Some problems are just not easy to understand, we do live in a complicated world!

Attendance shows mutual acknowledgment, respect, and action.

It has taken you time and effort to attend a meeting, chances are that all other attendees have also spent time and effort to make it there and meet you. Since you know what it takes to be there, you tend to respect and appreciate that other people has done it too.


We have talked about a few of the benefits of physical meetings, but we will be really happy to hear about your experiences as well. Do you find networking events useful?

Happy Networking!


Download our professional networking app now, and Happy Networking!

Originally published at blog.smartcasual.co on August 14, 2015.

