Every Spider-Man Movie.

Zach Attacks Film
4 min readSep 6, 2016



I recently sat down and watched every Spider-Man movie. I decided that I wanted to review a few of these movies, but I thought that a ranking would be more fun. So here we go from the worst to the best!

5. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

You know what’s funny? This is the only Spider-Man movie that I didn’t see in theaters. The trailers didn’t really interest me, and then I saw that the film was getting mediocre reviews so I didn’t see go to the movies for this one. The first time I watched this on blu-ray, I just found it hard to care about anyone or anything in this movie. I’ve seen this sequel twice since then, and the experience of watching this film has gotten worse every time. I just think that this movie is boring, the dialogue is poor, the score is really bad, and I just don’t care. Every time I find myself caring about something in this movie, a dumb thing happens. Every time! It seems like this movie is never interested in being a great movie. I think that this film is trying to answer questions and set up future films. I actually remember reading articles about a fourth Amazing Spider-Man a year before this movies release. I really do not enjoy this film, except for Spidey’s suit. That looks awesome!

4. Spider-Man 3

This one is also bad. Really bad, but laughably bad. This movie is so fun to watch, because I think that this film knows that it’s silly. Spider-Man 3 is far sillier than they think it is, but this film isn’t taking itself too seriously. Yes there’s stupid stuff, but this film is actually fun in a “so bad that it’s good” way. I do like some of the ideas that this movie has, but that’s not enough to make this movie good. I actually hate how they rework Uncle Ben’s death. I think that cheapens the powerful moments in the first film.

3. The Amazing Spider-Man

I think this movie is pretty good. I saw this film, and left thinking that it was okay. Then I watched it again at a discount theater, and I liked the movie a lot less. I don’t find this film very re watchable, which is a problem. I’m not sure if comparing this to the first film is fair, so I won’t.

I like Peter’s relationship with Flash Thompson in this movie. The scene where Flash tries to comfort Peter is actually my favorite scene in the whole movie. I like Curt Conners I enjoy Denis Leary, and I think that this film has a notably decent amount of heart behind. Yeah, I have the same problems with this movie that everyone else does: Spidey takes off his mask to often, the movie feels rushed, the tone is too dark, but at the end of the day this movie is fine. I think that there’s a really great Spider-Man movie somewhere in here, but this flick doesn’t come close to a number of other super hero movies.

2. Spider-Man 2

This movie! This movie is like a great indie that just happens to have Spider-Man! I love seeing a super hero movie with real characters that the audience can relate to. The appeal of Spider-Man was always that he is just you and me with super powers, and that is so prevalent in this film. I know that this is the fan favorite for everyone and I totally understand why. This film has so many great moments! The train scene, Peter’s confession to Aunt May, the hospital scene, Alfred Molina. This is a really well made film. From beginning to end, this movie has your attention and your heart.

and my very favorite…


To this day I remember when my mom took me and my sister to see this movie when I was eight years old. At that point in my life I had never seen a theater so packed. This movie was perfect for a little boy who lived in Brooklyn. Spider-Man lived in Queens, that’s only 30 minutes away! I really fell i love with this movie. I bought the soundtrack, I watched the DVD almost every day after school…but enough with the nostalgia. Let’s talk about the film!

Man, this cast is stellar! Tobey Maguire is such a great protagonist, James Franco is really giving his all, Cliff Robertson still makes me cry, but there is an exception: Willem Dafoe. Willem Dafoe knocks it out of the park!

This movie feels so full! This a real movie with solid themes! This is more than just a comic book movie. This film has compelling characters, relevant themes, a fantastic score, unique direction. I can’t tell you how much I love this movie and how much this movie means to me.



Zach Attacks Film

Host/Editor/Producer of the “Godfellas” podcast. 1/3rd of the “Is It Really?” podcast. Member of “RePlay: A Playback Theater Company.” Wearer of sweaters.