The Fontainian Named Florent #5

3 min readSep 20, 2023


‘The show must go on, no matter the tragedy, nor the drama, the show must play!’ Florent thought of these words whenever he went to something like this.

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, young and old, let me introduce you to Lyney, the best magician in all of Fontaine, and possibly the whole world!” Lyney stepped onto the big wooden stage. He walked with elegance and radiance that beamed with the happiness that he brought with him everywhere. “Why, hello everyone, and thank you for coming to my show! It is my pleasure to entertain you on this lovely evening!” He stretched his arms out, and in return, everybody applauded. “Okay, now as you know, I am a vision wielder, so you must be thinking, ‘Magic comes naturally to him, this isn’t a fair show.’ Well, to make sure this is fair for all of us, I will be abandoning my vision and giving it to my assistant here.” He took the shiny orb off the hook of his outfit and handed it to his assistant.

The show went smoothly, and everyone enjoyed it. When it was over, Florent’s first idea was to go see Lyney. He walked over to the tall men guarding the backstage entrance. The men recognized him, and let him go through, “Florent, was it?” He nodded his head in approval. “Oh! Hello again, did you enjoy the show, my friend? Heh, right, I’ll go grab a pen and one of my notebooks.” He walked off with beauty and grace. Florent was great friends with Lyney, he had been friends with him for a while. His sister, Lynette was more mysterious, she barely ever spoke; in a way, they were similar. When Lyney arrived back in the room, he held a dark red pen in his right hand, and in his other, he held a dark red leather notebook. “I got these for you after the… accident happened. Again, very sorry that happened, Freminet still thinks it was his fault.” Florent held the pen and notebook in his hands and then opened the notebook. “(Thank you. Very kind of you to think of something like this, I’m very grateful for it. And tell Freminet, he didn’t do anything.)” Lyney looked at him, “No problem, my pleasure to help. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to talk to Freminet.” Florent sighed, “(I wonder if I’ll ever utter another word. What do you think Lyney?)” Lyney had a hopeful look in his eyes, “I do believe that someday, I’ll hear your beautiful voice once more, no matter how long it will be.” Lyney sat down in his gray office chair that sat backstage, and continued to talk, “I’m here if you ever need to talk… or, well, write. You know that, I’m one of your best friends.” Florent was happy he had someone to talk to. ‘For the time being, I can’t really talk to Freminet, because he still feels guilty.’

“Well, have anything else to say?” It was around 10:30 pm, the moon was aloft and atop the clouds, shining brightly in the sky. “(No, I have nothing more to say, and I must get back to Elliot’s cabin.)” Lyney thanked him for coming to the show. “(Hang out Wednesday next week?)” Lyney was quick to respond, “It’s a date.”

‘Wait. Did he- I-. Y’know what? That’s amazing. Unbelievable.’

To be continued…

