Ego death, Character building and why we keep incarnating

Smiling Dakota Journal 🦅
4 min readSep 1, 2023

There are endless questions to ask in life. One of them is why do we actually do this experience here on Earth as humans?

As a way to pass the time? To have a human experience? With all the positive and negative aspects. Or because life here as humans simply gives us endless joy, even though it doesn’t always seem like it?

In this short article, I would like to discuss the meaning of human incarnations and what you personally get out of them.

Once upon a time there was an Ayahuaca ceremony on an island far out in the Atlantic Ocean on a banana plantation. During this Ayahuasca Ceremony, my ego was turned upside down. I saw my everyday behaviors, habits, and thought patterns from a kind of meta perspective.

The character formation

All of these shape my ego, my character personality and even affect me physically.

From this perspective, I saw how my character was formed over the course of my life into what it is today.

Memories and pictures from early childhood emerged, scenes from school, conversations with my brother and much more. Through these insights I was able to find out why I am the way I am today.



Smiling Dakota Journal 🦅

Dakota friend and ally for everyone. Old and new wisdom for modern society.