Mitchell S. Smith
1 min readJun 12, 2017


I don’t feel like looking them up again, just to show you, so instead I will predict that there will be an increased risk of M7+ Earthquakes between June 12–17, 2017. It’ll probably be between 4 and 8 such events since no M7 events have happened since January 22, causing a large buildup in tectonic pressure that needs to be released, and since a coronal hole (a place where the Sun’s magnetosphere isn’t blocking the Sun’s energy from being released directly from it’s surface) will begin facing Earth at that time, causing the releases of pressure in the Earth.

I think the fulfillment of this prediction will nullify any need to produce any peer reviewed papers, especially since, “peer reviewed,” is a meaningless term to me, as explained in my original comment on your article. You can check the date of when I submit this comment to make sure I’m not cheating but am instead using sound science that is in large part being ignored by most of the so called, “Climatologists.” Earthquake predictions have been about 75% accurate since this science has started to be used to predict them. Get the, “Disaster Prediction App,” on your phone if you want to see all the predictions and warnings beforehand. It’s well worth the few dollars it costs to initially purchase and it’s free to use from then on. It’s where I got the prediction that I wrote above.

