SC 2024: M People

Smokey Joh
3 min readApr 4, 2024


What a difference, a week makes. 168 little hours. And all it took was as many trades I could use, and pure luck. Coming from the back fence (see: carpark) rank 72,961 in wk2, then 46,069 in wk3, The Pack is now poised to strike at the top eschelon of Supercoaches just inside the 20k at 19,725.

Mpeople. Or person? Is she the whole band??
Movin’ up, nothing can hold me down.

Now, all these numbers are meaningless without a firm plan going forward. Underperformers have been cut, decisions about the clubs future have been made, and in all honesty, due to wedding celebration last weekend absolutely zero actual gametime has been watched. But, like an online troll who loves to argue after watching the highlights, I’ve skimmed the SC stats and let the numbers do the talking.

Firstly, The Pack would like to recognise the great work these players have done, and the impact they have made over their short stint in the team. S. Faataape, with more A’s than Oakland, had a great rest on the wing for a couple of games, which is typical of most wingers, and is now out the door. M. Plath decided to try and kill opposition players on the pitch, and while we love the passion, he can sit out his suspension somewhere else and not our bench. B. Piakura was loved in the preseason and has an upward career trajectory, especially after some bad luck, but unfortunately we had to terminate his contract immediately so daddy (the coach) could spend the big bucks elsewhere.

Too many Sharks players for mine.

Enough about those derros, how about some new blood! And first off is serial POS J. DeBellend, fresh off some moderate scores and even though the coach has nothing but disdain for him, he will be used to help cover rd13 and will never be spoken about again. J. Olam impressed early, and with the Tigers on the up, he comes in with literally no fanfare or expectation other than making cash. Whether that be through tries, offloads or selling his body, we don’t care. B. Talagi is bottom dollar and can only go up, has a bit ‘o’ spunk about him and most importantly, is a starter with a pulse, so he’s in The Pack!

As for the rest of the team, a few will need to lift to retain spots next week *cough* Brooks, Turbo, Smithies *cough*. But the Sharks players who take up a fair bit of the cap, I must say, can have a rest and come back refreshed against.. Souths? Hmm. Let’s hope they lose this week. Either way, Teddy as cap this week against the Dogs is too good to resist, so he better aim the fuck up and tell JWH to run through the fucking line this time, cunt. Ahem. Until next week!

