We Are Smol

4 min readMay 20, 2022


Smols are rooted in humble beginnings.

What began as a light-hearted, free-to-mint PFP project has evolved into a vibrant community of enjoyers, lore writers and artists. So many previously undiscovered yet incredibly talented individuals have discovered their artistic passions amongst encouraging peers. Since our launch we’ve served as ambassadors to Arbitrum, providing education to the space about growing L2 alternatives. Through it all, the Smols have worked to promote good vibes, a supportive community and positivity.

How we’ve grown since those early days! Regardless of how things have changed, the milestone experiences of our shared history bind us. We attended school together, grew our brains, escaped the volcano and saved the Swols. While the initiation for many of us was simple — through sketches of personal Smols on a napkin — this project has taken on new layers of depth and complexity, as we’ve worked together to facilitate crowdsourced storytelling and shape our common narrative.

The reason for this update is simple.

While the soul of the collection will remain as playful and lighthearted as always, we need to align our brand with the growth, focus and motivation we move forward with. As our team works to tie together all the ideas and proposals of our past with our current ambitions, we’ve identified an opportunity to double down on our brand and realize its potential to be a catalyst for growth. As we move forward, we do so with purpose and a renewed focus towards building a bigger and better Smolverse.

Branding is the glue that ties what we do together and we are hopeful that what we’ve reshaped captures the essence of our collective identity.

Meet “Smol”

Our new brand, Smol, is the essence of who we are: community, smiles, fun, and EEEEE.

Building around these core values of Smol, we begin with a smile, an essence of all Smols and the universal feature that we share. We may have our own personal traits but the foundation of Smol was built around a handful of precise and recognisable pixels. Our key focus when reimagining our brand identity was to dissect the Smol collections down to their very core — in this case, each individual pixel. In doing so, we captured the basic building blocks of all Smols through three primary faces that unify us all: Brains, Bodies, and Pets. This allowed us to create universal logos that every member of the community can identify with, no matter our differences.

Brains, Bodies, and Pets.

The rebrand creates a more welcoming, complementary and vibrant feel for both new and existing members of the community. More importantly though, it provides the framework and guidelines that invites others to build upon and grow the brand alongside us through art, storytelling, and boundless creativity.

So what does this all mean?

  • Aligning our NFT collections under an overarching brand: Smol is the new umbrella brand that brings everything together. It is all situated within the world of Smolverse and its inhabitants, Smol Brains, Smol Bodies, and Smol Pets (now consolidated under a single name), who call this home.
  • New logo and refined colour palette: We’ve created a new logo that is built around “Smol” — a nod to our origins of simplicity and. We also took this opportunity to hone in on our colour palette that brings out the playfulness and vibrancy that is at the heart of our brand.
  • Updated website and social media: Our website (smolverse.lol) and our Twitter has been updated to reflect the new brand and is filled with new goodies for you to explore.
  • No change to your NFTs: Rest assured that the NFTs and images of your beloved Smols will be unaffected!

You may also notice some changes and updates to our Discord community. We want to pair this branding update with alterations to reduce clutter and make those spaces more inviting and welcoming to newcomers. We need to rethink how we present ourselves and interact with others, and ensure that the positivity we share with each other is also exuded into the NFT space at-large.

Our branding also gives us a natural opportunity to create branded merchandise. The genesis of Smol merchandise will feature premium quality clothing offered to the community with minimalistic design and stylish application of Smol touches. An opportunity to acquire some of the first publicly available pieces of merchandise may only be a month away… stay tuned!





Smolverse is a fun and playful world of progressively-evolving NFTs on Arbitrum. Community-driven and built on good vibes.