3 min readJul 12, 2017


The development of the project started on December 2016 and as of now, a completely working platform has been created and it’s viewable and usable by everyone on
(to be released in the next few days)

We are expecting the finalisation process of preparation for the launch to span in a period that will be approximately of 5 months and will consist of:

  • The establishment of our Headquarters in Tallinn, Estonia
  • Key hires (Marketing Manager & IT Engineers)
  • Finalisation of the development
  • Release of SNAPUP BETA

SNAPUP BETA will be released to a selected group of people that already owns Snapcoins thanks to the ICO that will participate to the events and act as beta-testers for the platform. The events will be real and products will be shipped to the assignees. The purpose of the BETA is to test the whole process and be able to make adjustments, if needed, in order to ensure the best experience possible from the launch onwards.
We expect the BETA period to be fairly short due to the already advanced development stage.

The ICO will help us accelerate this process thanks to the people that will decide to try our DEMO. This will render us able to see how our application behaves in the real world, how it scales and it will greatly accelerate the time needed for the release of the actual application.

We are planning on launching the application in the whole European area by Q2 2018. People from all over Europe will be able to purchase Snapcoins from our platform and they will be listed on all the major coin exchanges.

By Q3 2018 We plan on releasing our SPIDER ALGORITHM.
The SPIDER ALGORITHM will make Snapup’s database virtually unlimited.

People will be able to search for the product they desire in our Searchbar,
that will act like a Search Engine, and will scrape the net to find all the information needed for that product, and will create a Snapup on the spot for that user.

Then, when the user joins the Snap, our Matching Algorithm(already developed and actively used in the application) will simply match an active Snap in the same price range, and merge the newly created one inside it.

This is possible because a Snapup is an “idea”, and is not linked to any particular product.

By the end of Q4 2018 we will release our Image Recognition Algorithm, that will have it’s fundation upon the Spider and will make our users able to join a Snap by taking a picture of the product they desire, instead of typing it into the searchbar.

The Image Recognition Algorithm, or simply Photos Algorithm, is a neural network that will be trained via Supervised Learning(the photos and the feedback of the users), and will learn to extract the names of the products from the pictures, and simply send them to the Spider Algorithm, that will scrape the net and create the event on the spot.

By then you will see people joining events by taking pictures while window shopping!

The last step will be to launch Snapup in India and South East Asia, and we expect that to happen by 2020.


We want Snapup to become the smartest way to shop online for premium and exclusive products.

We want the participation process to be increasingly simpler and cheaper for people and we want our new economic model to spread because we believe that it will help people improve the way they use their money and the things they can buy with it.

We will expand the categories that we sell from premium Holiday Stays to Tickets for Events such as VIP Packages for famous bands lives.

We want people to be able to “make more of their money” and “live the dream” for a day, thanks to our platform.

We will make this happen thanks to our ever expanding team of Elite experts in the field. Motivated and talented people whose abilities are matched only by their will to succeed and make an impact.

We will create huge innovations in the market and in 10 years we will become an established corporation.

